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An ENT Surgeon running my own Clinic since 1989 at Kodakara, Thrissur.

Sunday 23 February 2014


This text is in the form of queries & answers between a student & teacher of BRAHMAVIDYA-the science of practicing self-awareness or pure consciousness.

Qs. 1 Sir, What is the utility of my or your getting self- realized?

Ans. As you know the world is represented in one self & one self is the world. The external world with all its space occupying objects is nothing but our own inner consciousness with names & forms projected through our bodies, 5 sense organs, the mind & intellect. Hence the world can be good & pure only if our lives are good & pure. No isms or systems can bring about a golden rule so that the world can become a better place to live in. The true radical revolution should start from within us. Thus self realization is the only way to bring about a new world order-a world without any territorial contours-a world with people not divided by sex, caste, creed, religion or nationality.

Qs. 2 How can Self - Realization be a key to a better living?

Ans. Only a self realized man or woman can live his or her life in its totality. Otherwise we are all leading a miserably fragmented life without ever understanding what it is all about.

Qs. 3 Is Self- Realization a living condition which has to be brought about by some sort of practice or other?

Ans. Not at all. The self always remains realized. The only thing is this that we don’t know that. It is just like those 10 people who crossed a turbulent river at night by swimming & started counting themselves to find out the missing. All of them failed to count the 10th when a passer by helped them to find out the 10th since everybody had forgotten to count himself. Just like the rediscovery of the forgotten necklace worn around one’s neck the self is to be realized.

Qs. 4 O.K. So far so good. Now tell me. How can I realize myself?

Ans. To indulge in worldly affairs we have to essentially forget ourselves. If we remain intensely self aware we cannot perceive the world outside. What does it mean? The self awareness or pure consciousness is getting transformed into the world outside. How? To begin with the ‘I’ consciousness is generated from the universal consciousness which in turn creates the body, mind, intellect, & the 5 sense organs. Ether, air, water, fire & earth are the 5 substances generated through the 5 sense organs – skin, ears, tongue, eyes, & nose. The 5 sensations are touch, sound, taste, form & smell. If we can retrace these sequential events we will reach our original peaceful abode of universal, all pervading pure consciousness or BRAHMA. This practice is called BRAHMAVIDYA.


Here the path we have to tread is a pathless path & the destination is the pathless land of self-awareness-the ultimate truth. And the practice is strictly subjective unlike other worldly practices which are objective since goal is our own self not apart from us.

1. By all means do away with the habit of self –forgetfulness.

2. Constantly strive to remain as pure consciousness.

3. The state of all pervading pure consciousness can be attained by consistently & persistently keeping our attention on the ‘I’ consciousness which otherwise manifests as the world outside. The theory behind this practice is the principle of concealment & projection. The concealment of the self or self forgetfulness results in the manifestation of the universe & the self awareness results in its dissolution. Yes, we are the world.

4. By constant practice the ‘I’ consciousness will merge in the universal consciousness & the practitioner will become “Liberated- in-life”. He alone can live in this world without being “Of the world”. Here the seen merges in the seer without any trace of duality.

5. Make your awareness of yourself and the world outside as choice less as possible. By absolute choice less awareness you are tending towards absolute freedom from the gnawing grip of your own thoughts. Because absolute choice less awareness is BRAHMA-the pure undivided consciousness.

Qs.5 How will a realized person live in this world?

Ans. A self-realized person will live in this world just like any other person. He will always remain self-contained without being affected by the vagaries of the world. For him no external world exists apart from himself. Thus the universal objectivity will give way to universal subjectivity for him. This is true purpose of Self-Realization & this is the final outcome of practicing BRAHMAVIDYA.

Qs.6 Sir, is there any mention of Self-Realization in our ancient religious texts like The Holy Khuran, Holy Bible & The Holy Vedas?

Ans. Yes, when the Holy Khuran tells “Allaahu Akbar” Prophet Mohammed means it.

When The Bible says “I am the only way” Jesus means it. When he further tells that “I am that I am” he refers to the actual practice of BRAHMAVIDYA.

When The Vedas proclaim “Thou art That” they mean it. This pure, all pervading, universal consciousness is the eternal, peaceful abode to be sought after by everybody. The final common pathway to be trodden by one & all to reach that destination is BRAHMAVIDYA-the science of practicing self-awareness.


Qs.7. Sir,

Kindly give me some clues regarding the practice of 'Brahmavidya' so that everybody can practice it and abide in his or her self eternally and effortlessly.

Ans. Yes.

Here are ten golden keys to open the door of self realization.

1. Abandoning all ideas of acceptance and rejection and practicing choice less awareness constantly try to abide in your pure ‘I’ consciousness as long as possible.

2. Always practice self-inquiry in the form of “Who am I?” and to whom does this world belong? This will lead you to pure awareness or universal consciousness-your eternal abode. Abide in it as long as possible.

3. Remain always as pure consciousness which is your real nature not affected by the three states of waking, dream and deep sleep.

4. The self is to be realized just like sugar from sugarcane, fire from wood and butter from cow’s milk. Abandon all objects of contemplation and remain in your innermost self as pure consciousness.

5. Always adopt a comprehensive view characterized by perceiving oneself and the world outside as pure consciousness.

6. The self is pure consciousness, eternal, omnipresent, immutable and effulgent like the rising sun.The self is pure awareness undecaying free from all ideas of acceptance and rejection not limited by space, time and causation. There is only consciousness. You are consciousness-The world is consciousness-this is the conclusion.

7. Supreme bliss can’t be attained by contact of the senses with their objects. The supreme state can be reached by annihilating the mind through one pointed inquiry-WHO AM I ?

8. The supreme state is the pure state between existence and non-existence. Hold on to this state of ‘I’ consciousness and perceive that ‘I’ CONSCIOUSNESS as manifesting everywhere as the world.

9. The only enemy to be conquered is the mind. Its conquest leads to the attainment of everything. With out its conquest all efforts are fruitless. Constant inquiry in the form of “WHO AM I”? (KOHAM) will lead one to the perception of pure awareness (SOHAM).

10. Just as the ocean is nothing but water the entire world is nothing but consciousness. When we realize this Brahman or pure awareness the whole world will appear as the all pervading Supreme Lord - Truth - Being - Existence - Consciousness and Bliss.