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An ENT Surgeon running my own Clinic since 1989 at Kodakara, Thrissur.

Sunday 15 December 2013

'RAMA'- manthra and Self-Realization. Thus transcending , 'para', 'pasyanthi', 'madhyama' and 'vykhari', states of 'RAMA' manthra, We shall enter the path less land of 'Self-Realization and 'Sahaja Samadhi'.

'RAMA'- manthra and Self-Realization.

Taking two syllables, 'RA' from 'Om namo na'RA'yanaya' and 'MA' from 'Om na'MA' sivaya', 'RAMA' manthra was coined by our ancient rishis. If these letters are taken away from the above mentioned manthras, they become life-less and meaningless(Om namo nayanaya and Om na sivaya).

A manthra is that which liberates those who does chant , listening for the 'Dhwani' ( subtle sound energy ) inherent in it. 'VYKHARI' is the gross body of a manthra, generated by loud utterance while
'PARA', ' PASYANTHI', and 'MADHYAMA' are the subtle body of a manthra. By chanting 'RAMA' manthra incessantly, We can dive deep down into our own 'SELF' ( Truth-Consciousness and Bliss ), which is nothing but the 'PARA' state of 'Rama' manthra.

Esoterically, 'RA' stands for sun or fire- self-effulgent, and 'Aaa' implied in 'RA' stands for 'Swathma siddhi'( self-attainment ) and 'MA' means that which attracts. Thus 'Rama' manthra japa (chanting) results in attracting the self-effulgent sun of 'SELF'- Truth-consciousness and bliss. And 'RAMA' is one who revels in self-knowledge or swaathmaaraaman.

The two syllabled manthra 'RAMA', is the bestower of liberation-in- life for those who chant it, listening to the 'DHWANI' (subtle sound) of the manthra, paying attention to 'ONE' who chants. Thus transcending , 'para', pasyanthi, madhyama and vykhari, states of 'RAMA' manthra, We shall enter the path less land of 'Self-Realization and 'Sahaja Samadhi'.


‘RAMA-HRUDAYAM’ and Self-Realization. Let the aphorisms of ‘RAMA HRUDAYAM’ bless us, in the pathless path of ‘Brahma vidya’ otherwise known as ‘Hrudaya vidya or ‘Athma vidya'.

‘RAMA-HRUDAYAM’ and self-realization.

‘Rama hrudayam’ is the quintessence of Vedanta ( The culmination of knowledge). Lord Hanuman- the devotee-disciple of lord ‘RAMA’, is the first recipient of ‘Rama hrudayam’ from the lord himself.

According to ‘Rama hrudayam’, the all-pervading ‘Brahman’ (Truth-consciousness and bliss) , is the only omnipresent, omnipotent, eternal, and transcendental reality, not limited by space, time and causation. The threefold division ( triputi), of our consciousness, into ‘JEEVA’ (individual self), ‘EASWARA’ (god), and ‘JAGATH’ ( the phenomenal world), is a creation of our ‘EGO’, through ‘BODY-MIND-INTELLECT complex and the five sense organs. The space and the space-occupying objects are nothing but the projection of our own consciousness with thought-constructs. Just like the all pervading space (Mahakasa) is same as the space inside a pot (ghatakasa), and the space seen reflected in a lake (jalakasa); the all pervading ‘Brahman’ ( pure consciousness) is not affected by the ebb and flow of the waves of the phenomenal world, in the ocean of pure awareness.
When a ‘jeeva’ annihilates his ‘EGO’ through' BHAKTHI' ( devotion) ‘JNANA’( self-knowledge ) and'VAIRAGYA’( detachment); ‘EGO LESS NESS’ is established, resulting in dissolution of ‘TRIPUTI’; and then and there the self-effulgent ‘BRAHMAN’ shines forth eternally.

Let the aphorisms of ‘RAMA HRUDAYAM’ bless us, in the pathless path of ‘Brahma vidya’ otherwise known as ‘Hrudaya vidya or ‘Athma vidya'.


The esoteric ism of 'King Dasaratha' and Self-Realization. Dasaratha implies our body-mind-intellect complex with five sense organs and five organs of action, indulging in the phenomenal world, through the three states of consciousness ( wakeful, dream, and deep sleep), with 'I am the body- consciousness ( DEHOHAM ). When there is self-realization through 'BRAHMA VIDYA' (The science of practicing pure awareness), the 'DEHOHAM' ( I-am the body consciousness ) gives way to 'BRAHMOHAM' ( I-am truth-consciousness and bliss), resulting in 'Sahaja - Samadhi' and 'Liberation-in-Life'

The esoteric ism of King Dasaratha and self-realization.

'DASARATHA' is the king of 'AYODHYA' with his three wives, 'KOUSALLYA', 'SUMITHRA', 'KAIKEYI' and four sons, 'SREE RAMA', 'LAKSHMANA', 'BHARATHA' and 'SATHRUGHNA'. Later Dasaratha left for his heavenly abode, when Rama and Sita went for their forest-life.
  Represents the body-mind-intellect complex with the five sense organs and the five organs of action ( eyes, ears, nose, tongue, skin and the organs of speech, excretion, procreation, feet, and arms ).
Kousallya, Sumithra and Kaikeyi :
  Represents 'ICHA', 'KRIYA' and 'JNANA'- the desire-prompted actions which finally culminates in self-knowledge.
Rama, Lakshmana, Bharatha and Sathrughna:
  Represents the four states of consciousness, the wakeful, dream, deep sleep and the fourth state of super consciousness ( Viswan, Thaijasan, pranjnan and thuriyan ).

Moral of the story

Dasaratha implies our body-mind-intellect complex with five sense organs and organs of action, indulging in the phenomenal world, through the three states of consciousness ( wakeful, dream, and deep sleep), with 'I am the body- consciousness    ( DEHOHAM ). When there is self-realization through 'BRAHMA VIDYA' (The science of practicing pure awareness), the 'DEHOHAM' ( I-am the body consciousness ) gives way to 'BRAHMOHAM' ( I-am truth-consciousness and bliss), resulting in  'Sahaja - Samadhi' and 'Liberation-in-Life'





"If Realization is not present here and now, how can it, newly obtained, be of any use? What is permanent must be eternally present. Can it be newly acquired and be permanent also?
Realize what is present here and now. The sages did so before and still do that only. Hence they say that it looks as if it were newly acquired. Once veiled by ignorance and later revealed, Reality looks as if newly realized. But it is not new."
—Talks with Ramana Maharshi


*Glimpses of self-realization*

The 'Self-realized' 'Naranathu Branthan'


In Kerala there once lived a self-realized soul, who was known as 'Naranathu Branthan', since he used to wander about the streets, as a lunatic. One day he was seen running along the streets, murmuring 'I can not understand- I can not understand !!!. After a few days, he was seen again shouting , 'I could understand- I could understand!!!, when a passerby asked him what did he understand. Then the lunatic replied ; "Now I could understand that, 'THAT' could not be understood.

Moral of the story

Being transcendental, 'Brahma vidya' is beyond the reach of body-mind-intellect complex, and hence can not be understood. That is the reason why 'Naranathu branthan' was seen, murmuring, 'I can not understand'. Later when he could experience, his own consciousness, through the 'EYE' of consciousness (insight), he could understand that, 'Brahma vidya' could not be understood, but only be experienced.


Temples are psychic machines, powered by psycho-linguistics. The sympathetic resonance of two identically tuned, stringed musical instruments, kept close to each other, when only one instrument is played , is applicable here. Just like a magnet which induces magnetism, in an iron rod, a powerful temple can harmonize the subtle energy system of an individual, who visit the temple.

Temples are psychic machines, powered by psycho-linguistics.

A temple is an exact replica of human body. Actually, a human being is a psycho-somatic organism, having five different sheaths, from the gross to the subtle. They are 1. Annamaya kosa, 2. Pranamaya kosa, 3. Manomaya kosa, 4. Vinjnanamaya kosa, 5. Anandamaya kosa. A temple consists of, corresponding structures and they are 1. Prakara, 2. Bahya hara, 3. Madhya hara, 4. Antha hara, 5. Sreekovil.

The consecration of 'Shadadhara' and the idol of the chief deity inside the sanctum sanctorum is indicative of, the six yogic centers ( Muladhara, Swadhishtana, manipooraka, Anahatha, Visuddhi, Anjna ) and the idol represents 'Sahasrara'- the pinnacle of yogic experience or Self-Realization.

Next comes the process of enlivenment of the temple structure, through tantric rituals, powered by psycho-linguistics or 'Manthra sasthra'. 'PSYCHO-LINGUISTICS' is the science of generation, installation and propagation of psychic energy as vibrations of subtle sound energy, through the inherent , occult powers hidden in various letters and combinations of letters of the alphabet                 ( MANTHRA ).

The regular and special poojas, ordained for a deity, the temple festivals and other special celebrations inside a temple, are meant for charging, recharging and empowering the positive energy system of the temple. An average man of the world, who is ignorant of the various vaidic and tantric disciplines meant for self-realization, can very easily get the whole advantage, without ever going through them, by simply visiting the local temple. The sympathetic resonance of two identically tuned, stringed musical instruments, kept close to each other, when only one instrument is played , is applicable here. Just like a magnet which induces magnetism, in an iron rod, a powerful temple can harmonize the subtle energy system of an individual, who visit the temple.

Our temples are great reservoirs of abundant subtle positive energy system, influencing not only the visitors but also the vicinity as well. These temples are wonderful psychic machines, powered by the principles of psycho linguistics, meant for harmonizing the gross and subtle energy systems of our body finally leading to Self-Realization and Sahaja - Samadhi. 


The esoteric ism of ‘SITA- SWAYAM VARAM’ and Self-Rrealization.Here the threefold division (Thriputi) of pure consciousness into ‘ME’, ‘GOD’ and the phenomenal 'WORLD’ ( Jiva, Easwara and Jagath), ceases to exist, and the infinite self-effulgent, eternal, Truth-consciousness and bliss ,shines forth brilliantly all alone.

The esotericism of ‘SITA- SWAYAM VARAM’ and Self-Realization.

‘Sita swayam varam’ denotes the marriage of oneself, to one`s own self (Truth- Being-Existence-Consciousness and bliss), through ‘SITA’ (Brahma vidya). ‘JANAKA’ – the king of ‘VIDEHA’        ( Naham-Deham consciousness or’ I am not the body’ consciousness ), got ‘Sita’ (Brahma vidya), from the field (Human body), when it was being ploughed, for cultivation ( undergoing spiritual disciplines according to scriptural instructions).When One becomes ‘RAMA’ (one who revels in self-knowledge), there occurs ‘SITA’ swayam vara’( self-realization and sahaja Samadhi through ‘Brahma vidya’)

When ‘Sita’ attained womanhood, King Janaka made necessary arrangements, for her ‘Swayam varam’ (The process of selecting the desired bridge groom from a group). The King Janaka stipulated the terms and conditions. Only an adept in archery, who can break the ‘BOW’ of ‘MAHESWARA’, can take part in ‘Swayam varam’. The ‘MAHESWARA’ chapa (Bow)- the microcosm -is the subtle life energy that enlivens the body- mind- intellect complex and five sense organs, placed inside the human body by lord ‘SIVA’ ( The all-pervading pure consciousness or Brahman) – macrocosm-himself. Harmonization of this energy system , through spiritual disciplines bring about the merger of microcosm in macrocosm and that is self-realization.

The other conditions for participating in ‘SITA’- swayam varam were
1. Killing of ‘THATAKA’ ,’MAREECHA’ and ‘ SUBAHU’- the three demons ( Freedom from the devilish clutches of the deluding desires of the senses and their objects);
2. Providing ‘sapa moksha’ ( freedom from the curse ), for ‘AHALLYA’, who was remaining as a stone ( The insensitive and indifferent nature of an average man of the world, to scriptural teachings and spiritual instructions- ‘sthabda’).
3. Breaking the ‘Maheswara’ chapa( BOW )- is the shifting of one`s attention from ‘DEHOHAM’     (Body consciousness) to ‘BRAHMOHAM’ ( I am pure consciousness ), through the practice of ‘SWATHMA - VICHARA’- Who am I? ( Rama got it from rishi ‘VASISHTA’ during his teens ). The bow of Maheswara is in ‘VIDEHA’ ( the state of ‘I am not the body’ consciousness ).

‘Ravana’ ( Rajo guna ) wanted to possess ‘Sita’ (Bahma vidya), but miserably failed since he could not kill ‘Thataka’, ‘Mareecha and ‘Subahu’( the desire-prompted actions ), could not give release for ‘Ahalya’ ( the insensitive and indifferent approach to ‘Brahma vidya’ ), and hence could not break the bow of ‘Maheswara’ ( due to failure of harmonizing the subtle vital energy system of the human body through spiritual disciplines ).

Happiness and sorrow are nothing but, the imaginary thought constructs of the mind, thriving on the senses and their objects. Thataka, Mareecha, and Subahu are the deluding desires of the body and mind. An aspirant of ‘Brahma vidya’ has to get freedom from the desire-prompted actions.

‘Ahallya’ got freedom from the curse of her husband, when ‘RAMA’ put his feet on the stone-form of Ahallya and regained her original form. One has to develop the ‘EYE’ of consciousness (Prathyabhinja) for self-realization, abandoning the indifferent and insensitive approach towards ‘BRAHMA VIDYA’.

Rama could go through these procedures quite easily, and ‘SITA’ got ‘RAMA’ through Swayam varam.

After ‘sita swayam varam’ there occurs the conflict between ‘RAMA and ‘ BHARGAVA RAMA.
The conflict between them is suggestive of the conflictual thoughts of dualism and non dualism. After SELF-REALIZATION, dualism gives way to non dualism. Here the threefold division (Thriputi) of pure consciousness into ‘ME’, ‘GOD’ and the phenomenal 'WORLD’ ( Jiva, Easwara and Jagath), ceases to exist, and the infinite self-effulgent, eternal, Truth-consciousness and bliss ,shines forth brilliantly all alone.

 There is self-realization and sahaja Samadhi available in abundance in ‘BRAHMA VIDYA’.


The esoteric ‘RAMAYANA’ and ‘Self-Realization’- ‘LAKSHMANOPADESA’, the vedantic rendition of supreme understanding by ‘LORD SREE RAMA’, is actually meant for each and every one of us, deluded by ‘MAYA’, engrossed in the phenomenal world, since so many births without ever knowing what it is all about.

The esoteric ‘RAMAYANA’ and ‘Self-Realization’

“ LAKSHMANOPADESAM” ( The spiritual instruction for ‘Lakshmana’ )

At ‘Panchavadi’( where the mind has become ‘no-mind’, liberated from the body-mind-intellect complex and the five sense organs and the five organs of action ) , on the banks of river ‘GODAVARI’, one day , ‘Lakshmana’ approached ‘RAMA’ and asked about, the liberating theology of ‘VEDANTA’ (The culmination of knowledge or the supreme understanding). ‘Lakshmana’ asked ‘Rama’ about the theories of bondage and liberation-in-life. He also wanted to know about ‘MAYA’ (perception of the non-existent, phenomenal world), ‘VIDYA’(knowledge), and ‘AVIDYA’ (ignorance), the origin, sustenance and annihilation of the world ( srushti, sthiti, and samhara ) and the means of getting liberation from lives, births and deaths ( moksha ). LORD RAMA answered like this.

RAMA : Dear ‘Lakshmana’!!! A knower of ‘Brahma’( one who knows ‘Brahma vidya- self knowledge) and the knowledge of ‘Brahma’ ( ‘Brahma vidya’), are very scarce in this world. Let me tell you about ‘MAYA’, which is nothing but, false identification of oneself, with the body-mind-intellect complex, as ‘oneself’, just like the false identification of a snake ,on a piece of rope, in dim light. This is due to lack of awareness of rope and false awareness of the snake on rope. Similarly ‘MAYA’ creates the phenomenal world, through concealment ( avarana ) and projection (vikshepa). When one perceives, the snake on a rope, first of all , one loses the awareness of rope ( concealment) and then the awareness of snake arises (projection). The phenomenal world with names and forms appears (projection) , when the ‘self’, pure consciousness or ‘BRAHMA’ , disappears (concealment) as the substratum . Just like the objects, seen in dream or imagination, are not at all real, the perceived phenomenal world with names and forms are also unreal, in all the three states of consciousness (wakeful, dream and deep sleep); but appears as real, due to self-forgetfulness (avidya) . When the individual self ( jiva), abandons the false identification with the body-mind-intellect complex (dehoham - buddhi), through self-realization ( brahmoham- buddhi ), there occurs the merger of ‘microcosm’(pindandam) in ‘macrocosm(brahmandam)- (vidya).

Due to association with the’ Wise’ (satsang), an individual self (jiva) , develops devotion (bhakthi, athma-nivedana); which when matures, get transformed into self-knowledge( athma jnana); resulting in self-realization and sahaja Samadhi. Then the phenomenal world disappears in the primordial self (truth-consciousness and bliss ), just like waves in an ocean.

‘LAKSHMANOPADESA’, the vedantic rendition of supreme understanding by ‘LORD SREE RAMA’, is actually meant for each and every one of us, deluded by ‘MAYA’, engrossed in the phenomenal world, since so many births without ever knowing what it is all about.


*PRATHYABHINJNA HRUDAYAM*The dawn of 'PRATHYABHINJNA' ( The 'eye' of consciousness ) results in instantaneous 'self-realization' and eternal abidance in 'Sahaja-Samadhi'.


'Prathyabhinjna' is nothing but 'TRUTH- BEING-EXISTENCE-CONSCIOUSNESS and BLISS'. 'Prathyabhinjna is the innermost core of our 'BEING', apart from the phenomenal world of 'BECOMING'. The dawn of 'PRATHYABHINJNA' ( The 'eye' of consciousness ) results in instantaneous 'self-realization' and eternal abidance in 'Sahaja-Samadhi'. Thus one can reach the ultimate destination of one`s own self , by the grace of one`s own self ( GOD, PRECEPTOR and ATHMA ), without any means ( ANUPAYA). Truth is a pathless land, already attained by everybody, without any means or anupaya.

For 'self-realization' - already attained by everybody- we need not wander anywhere and everywhere, not either practice , concentrate or meditate. By the grace of the preceptor (GURU ), through 'PRATHYABHINJNA', we can realize our 'self'( Truth-Being-Existence-consciousness and bliss ), anywhere and everywhere, as the eternal , omnipresent, eloquent 'SILENCE', which provides 'SAHAJA-SAMADHI' for everybody who listens to.