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An ENT Surgeon running my own Clinic since 1989 at Kodakara, Thrissur.

Friday 13 December 2013

*KULARNAVA TANTRA* -By (ARTHUR AVALON)-The Esoteric Pancha 'MA' kara- 'Self-Realization',- ' Sahaja Samadhi' and 'Liberation-in-Life'. Worship of 'DIVINE MOTHER', using 'PANCHA-MA-KARA' is not meant for 'INDULGENCE', but for 'TRANSCENDENCE'.

The Esoteric Pancha 'MA' kara ( ‘MADYAM’-ALCOHOL,’ MAMSAM’-MEAT, 'MATSYAM’-FISH, ‘MUDRA’-GESTURE, and ‘MYTHUNAM’- SEXUAL UNION ); 'Self-Realization', ' Sahaja Samadhi' and 'Liberation-in-Life'.



The fifth Chapter treats of the greatness of Kula. It contains a description of the Kaula substances; the making of wine; the variouskinds of wine; its use as 'Chitta-shodhana-sadhana' so that the mind may become 'Bramagah'.

V 48 enumerates the fundamental doctrines of this school that "success is attained by those very things which lead to fall" (Yaireva pata-nang dravyaih siddhistaireva chodita). V 50 refers to animal sacrifice: and vv 67, 68 to the necessity of wine and meat in the various forms of worship including the Buddha. V 90 Says"As soma has been ordained a Brahmana should drink;" which other Tantras are said to deny. If this however be done in the ordinary animal way even a Vira will go to Hell (v. 93).

'Nectar drinking' is the union of Kundalini Shakti with the Moon chit (Chichchandra)-                'SELF-UNFOLDMENT' . Others are but wine drinkers (vv. 107-108).

The true 'Meat eater' is he who has merged his Chitta in the Supreme- ( MERGER of 'MICROCOSM'( Individual consciousness or 'PINDANDA' ) in 'MACROCOSM' ( Cosmic consciousness or 'BRAHMANDA' )(v. 109).

He who controls his senses- by 'VIVEKA' (discrimination), 'VAIRAGYA' (dispassion), the 'Shatsampatti' or the aggregate of six virtues (namely, ‘SAMA’, DAMA, 'TITIKSHA', ‘UPARATHI’, ‘SHRADDHA’ and 'SAMADHANAM)', and 'MUMUKSHUTVAM'- desire for liberation ) and unites them with Atma is a 'Fish-eater'.
The rest do but kill animals (v. 110).

‘MUDRA’ (Spiritual gestures like 'CHIN MUDRA) denotes the 'wholeness' of 'BRAHMAVIDYA' which brings about 'Self-Realization' by uninterrupted practice of 'Pure Awareness', casting away the dichotomous thought constructs of the mind , resulting in attainment of 'NON DUAL' 'BRAHMAN or 'SELF'(TRUTH-CONSCIOUSNESS and BLISS).

True sexual union is the union of Para Shakti that is 'Kundalini' with 'Atma' ( MERGER of the 'STATIC - SIVA' and the 'DYNAMIC-'SAKTHI' aspects of one`s own consciousness ) ; others do but have carnal connection with women (vv 111,).

Thus the worship of 'DIVINE MOTHER', using 'PANCHA-MA-KARA' is not at all meant for 'INDULGENCE', but for 'TRANSCENDENCE'.


*WORDS OF WISDOM*- Brahman is absolute existence and pure consciousness. It is infinite, pure, supreme, self-luminous, of the nature of eternal bliss, non-different from the indwelling self, and without parts. It is the only reality.


The unreal (mithya) nature of the universe-

Brahman is absolute existence and pure consciousness. It is infinite, pure, supreme, self-luminous, of the nature of eternal bliss, non-different from the indwelling self, and without parts.

It is the only reality. The universe which is superimposed on it is not different from it, just as the illusory snake is not different from the rope on which it appears. A pot made of clay is not different from the clay. There is no separate entity as pot apart from clay. The pot is only a name given to clay in a particular shape. When the same clay is given another shape it is given the name ‘plate’. So what really exists is only clay, and names such as pot are imaginary. The Chandogya upanishad, says, “All modification (of clay) is nothing but name based on words; the clay alone is real”. Similarly everything that is the effect of Brahman is nothing but Brahman. The appearance of the universe as an entity separate from Brahman is due only to delusion caused by nescience. The Mundaka upanishad declares that this universe is nothing but the supreme Brahman. If the universe were real, the statement in the srutis that Brahman is infinite would become invalid, the Vedas would lose their authority and Isvara’s words would become untrue. Such a result is not acceptable. If the world is real it should appear in dreamless sleep also. As it is not at all perceived in dreamless sleep, it is unreal like objects seen in dream. Therefore it is clear that the universe does not exist apart from Brahman.

Therefore the supreme Brahman is the only reality. It is pure consciousness, without beginning or end, and devoid of any activity. It is pure eternal bliss. It is free from all differences brought about by Maya. It is eternal, unchanging, pure, beyond the faculty of reasoning, formless, subtle, and self-effulgent. It is beyond the trichotomy of knower, knowledge and known. It is beyond mind and speech.


'Meditation' on the 'Meditator' is the ultimate in 'Meditation' and that should be 'BY YOU' - 'OF YOU' and 'WITH IN YOU'. ~Swaathmaaraaman


This primary concept is the knowledge ‘I am’, it is the mother of
all other concepts. In order to get that satisfaction, you must find
the source of this primary concept ‘I am’. You should give
attention to the knowledge ‘I am’ and meditate on that itself.
Knowledge is to be got hold of knowledge only. This will produce
the seed, which, through this process of meditation, slowly grows
into a big tree, and that itself will give you all the knowledge. It
will not be necessary for you to ask anyone what is what.


'Self-Realization' is nothing but shifting our attention from 'DEHOHAM' (I am the body) to 'BRAHMOHAM'(I am pure consciousness); resulting in 'Sahaja-Samadhi' (Peace-Inherent) and 'Liberation-in-Life'. `Swaathmaaraaman`


Even though the reality of the Self has been explained in many ways, the truth of it remains unspoken because it can only be known by directly experiencing it. Those who seek liberation are prevented from having this direct experience by their minds which hold onto the deeply-rooted conviction 'I am the body / mind'.