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Friday 13 December 2013

*KULARNAVA TANTRA* -By (ARTHUR AVALON)-The Esoteric Pancha 'MA' kara- 'Self-Realization',- ' Sahaja Samadhi' and 'Liberation-in-Life'. Worship of 'DIVINE MOTHER', using 'PANCHA-MA-KARA' is not meant for 'INDULGENCE', but for 'TRANSCENDENCE'.

The Esoteric Pancha 'MA' kara ( ‘MADYAM’-ALCOHOL,’ MAMSAM’-MEAT, 'MATSYAM’-FISH, ‘MUDRA’-GESTURE, and ‘MYTHUNAM’- SEXUAL UNION ); 'Self-Realization', ' Sahaja Samadhi' and 'Liberation-in-Life'.



The fifth Chapter treats of the greatness of Kula. It contains a description of the Kaula substances; the making of wine; the variouskinds of wine; its use as 'Chitta-shodhana-sadhana' so that the mind may become 'Bramagah'.

V 48 enumerates the fundamental doctrines of this school that "success is attained by those very things which lead to fall" (Yaireva pata-nang dravyaih siddhistaireva chodita). V 50 refers to animal sacrifice: and vv 67, 68 to the necessity of wine and meat in the various forms of worship including the Buddha. V 90 Says"As soma has been ordained a Brahmana should drink;" which other Tantras are said to deny. If this however be done in the ordinary animal way even a Vira will go to Hell (v. 93).

'Nectar drinking' is the union of Kundalini Shakti with the Moon chit (Chichchandra)-                'SELF-UNFOLDMENT' . Others are but wine drinkers (vv. 107-108).

The true 'Meat eater' is he who has merged his Chitta in the Supreme- ( MERGER of 'MICROCOSM'( Individual consciousness or 'PINDANDA' ) in 'MACROCOSM' ( Cosmic consciousness or 'BRAHMANDA' )(v. 109).

He who controls his senses- by 'VIVEKA' (discrimination), 'VAIRAGYA' (dispassion), the 'Shatsampatti' or the aggregate of six virtues (namely, ‘SAMA’, DAMA, 'TITIKSHA', ‘UPARATHI’, ‘SHRADDHA’ and 'SAMADHANAM)', and 'MUMUKSHUTVAM'- desire for liberation ) and unites them with Atma is a 'Fish-eater'.
The rest do but kill animals (v. 110).

‘MUDRA’ (Spiritual gestures like 'CHIN MUDRA) denotes the 'wholeness' of 'BRAHMAVIDYA' which brings about 'Self-Realization' by uninterrupted practice of 'Pure Awareness', casting away the dichotomous thought constructs of the mind , resulting in attainment of 'NON DUAL' 'BRAHMAN or 'SELF'(TRUTH-CONSCIOUSNESS and BLISS).

True sexual union is the union of Para Shakti that is 'Kundalini' with 'Atma' ( MERGER of the 'STATIC - SIVA' and the 'DYNAMIC-'SAKTHI' aspects of one`s own consciousness ) ; others do but have carnal connection with women (vv 111,).

Thus the worship of 'DIVINE MOTHER', using 'PANCHA-MA-KARA' is not at all meant for 'INDULGENCE', but for 'TRANSCENDENCE'.


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