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An ENT Surgeon running my own Clinic since 1989 at Kodakara, Thrissur.

Monday 31 March 2014

'ANNAMALAI SWAMI' - The guru may tell his disciples a thousand times "You are the self, you are not what you imagine yourself to be", they all keep asking the guru for methods and routes to reach the place they are already are.

Spiritual seekers have a very strange habit: they are always looking for a way to reach, attain,discover,experience, or realize the Self. They try many things because they cannot comprehend that they are already the Self. This is like running around looking for one's eyes with one's own eyes.
Why should you imagine that it is some new experience to be discovered or found ? You are the Self right now, and you are aware of it right now. Do you need a new experience to prove that you exist? The feeling "I am existing" is the Self.
You pretend that you are not experiencing it, or cover it up with all kinds of false ideas, and then you run around looking for it as if it were something external to be reached or found. There is a story about someone like thus.
Once a king imagined that he was a poverty-striken peasant. He thought , "if I go and meet the king he may be able to help me by giving some money."
He searched for the king in many places but he could not find him anywhere. Ultimately he became very depressed because his search was not yielding any results. One day he met a man on the road who asked him why he was so depressed.
He answered, " I am searching for the king. I think that he can solve all my problems and make me happy but I cant find him anywhere".
The man, who already recognized him, said with some astonishment, "But you yourself as the king!"
The king came to his senses and remembered who he was. His problems all ended the moment he remembered his real identity.
You may think that the king was fairly stupid but he had at least enough sense to recognize the truth when it was told to him.
The guru may tell his disciples a thousand times "You are the self, you are not what you imagine yourself to be", they all keep asking the guru for methods and routes to reach the place they are already are.
Living by the words of Bhagavan, p 292


Kim nama desha ka jathih
pravrutthi ka kiyad vayah
Ityadi vadoparathir
yasya tasyaiva nirvruthi.

Meaning: What is your name? Where are you from? What is your caste?
What is your profession? How old are you?
He who is free from such questions alone attains tranquility.

Aagacha gacha magacha
pravisha kvanu gachasi
Ityadi vadoparathir
yasya tasyaiva nirvruthi.

Meaning: Come! Go! Don't go! Come in!
Where are you going?
He who is free from such discussions alone attains tranquility.

Kva yasyasi kada ayata
kuta ayasi kosi
Ityadi vadoparathir
yasya tasyaiva nirvruthi.

Meaning: When did you go? When did you come?
From where did you come? Who are you?
He who is free from such questions alone attains tranquility.

Aham tvam soyam antarhi
bahir asti na va asti va
Ityadi vadoparathir
yasya tasyaiva nirvruthi.

Meaning: Me or you, that or this person, inside or outside,
he who is free from such discussions alone attains tranquility.

Jnata ajnata samah sva anya
bheda shoonyah kuto bhida
Ityadi vadoparathir
yasya tasyaiva nirvruthi.

Meaning: Equal towards the known and unknown,
without discrimination between self and others,
then why is this difference?
He who is free from such questions alone attains tranquility.

*WORDS OF WISDOM* - 'Swami Chinmayananda'

Quote for the Week!

from Swami Chinmayananda's powerful 114 short talks on The Bhagavad-Gita, The Art of Man Making Part I 
Buy your own copy from this link http://goo.gl/VvB0A6

*WORDS OF WISDOM* - Awareness of Self is ever there - ~Ramana Maharshi

Questioner: How may one destroy the mind?
Sri Ramana Maharshi: Is there a mind in the first place? What you call mind is an illusion. It starts from the `I-thought'. Without the gross or subtle senses you cannot be aware of the body or the mind. Still it is possible for you to be without these senses. In such a state you are either asleep or aware of the Self only. Awareness of Self is ever there. Remain what you truly are and this question will not arise.
~ from "Talk 217"; 29th June, 1936