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An ENT Surgeon running my own Clinic since 1989 at Kodakara, Thrissur.

Saturday 7 December 2013

*Glimpses of self-realization*-5. Remaining as pure- eternal-omnipresent- all pervading, self effulgent consciousness, without effort, is our natural state or `SAHAJA NIRVIKALPA SAMA DHI`.

  • *Glimpses of self-realization*

    Before starting our voyage towards the shores of sahaja samadhi, we shall listen to Ramana maharshi`s own words on sahaja samadhi.
    1. Holding on to or be aware of reality( pure consciousness) is samadhi.
    2.Being aware of one`s own self( again pure consciousness), the reality, with effort is `Savikalpa samadhi`.
    3. Merging in reality ( one`s own self ) being unaware of the phenomenal world outside is`Nirvikalpa samadhi`.
    4. Merging in self-forget fulness ( ignorance) and remaining unaware of the world is sleep.
    5. Remaining as pure- eternal-omnipresent- all pervading, self effulgent consciousness, without effort, is our natural state or `SAHAJA NIRVIKALPA SAMADHI`.


    The three states of our consciousness (wakefulness, dream and deep sleep) are nothing but super imposition on that all pervading consciousness . All these states of consciousness are, as unreal as a superimposed snake on a piece of rope, at dim light. Just like a powerful source of light , which can solve the problem of the imaginary snake, the illusory nature of the world,superimposed on pure consciousness, can be solved by self-realization. Just like a city reflected on a mirror ,the world is a reflection on our consciousness - not at all an absolute reality. When the sun of self-realization shines , the moon of body-mind-intellect complex will wither away, resulting in dissolution of the three worlds (the three states of consciousness-wakefulness,dream and deep sleep). We shall start our voyage ,through the sea of our consciousness , towards the golden shores of `sahaja samadhi , boarding the boat of self-realization.

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