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An ENT Surgeon running my own Clinic since 1989 at Kodakara, Thrissur.

Tuesday 3 December 2013



    This text is in the form of queries & answers between a student & teacher of BRAHMAVIDYA-the science of practicing self-awareness or pure consciousness.

    Qs. 1 Sir, What is the utility of my or your getting self- realized?

    Ans. As you know the world is represented in one self & one self is the world. The external world with all its space occupying objects is nothing but our own inner consciousness with names & forms projected through our bodies, 5 sense organs, the mind & intellect. Hence the world can be good & pure only if our lives are good & pure. No isms or systems can bring about a golden rule so that the world can become a better place to live in. The true radical revolution should start from within us. Thus self realization is the only way to bring about a new world order-a world without any territorial contours-a world with people not divided by sex, caste, creed, religion or nationality.

    Qs. 2 How can self realization be a key to a better living?

    Ans. Only a self realized man or woman can live his or her life in its totality. Otherwise we are all leading a miserably fragmented life without ever understanding what it is all about.

    Qs. 3 Is self realization a living condition which has to be brought about by some sort of practice or other?

    Ans. Not at all. The self always remains realized. The only thing is this that we don’t know that. It is just like those 10 people who crossed a turbulent river at night by swimming & started counting themselves to find out the missing. All of them failed to count the 10th when a passer by helped them to find out the 10th since everybody had forgotten to count himself. Just like the rediscovery of the forgotten necklace worn around one’s neck the self is to be realized.

    Qs. 4 O.K. So far so good. Now tell me. How can I realize myself?

    Ans. To indulge in worldly affairs we have to essentially forget ourselves. If we remain intensely self aware we cannot perceive the world outside. What does it mean? The self awareness or pure consciousness is getting transformed into the world outside. How? To begin with the ‘I’ consciousness is generated from the universal consciousness which in turn creates the body, mind, intellect, & the 5 sense organs. Ether, air, water, fire & earth are the 5 substances generated through the 5 sense organs – skin, ears, tongue, eyes, & nose. The 5 sensations are touch, sound, taste, form & smell. If we can retrace these sequential events we will reach our original peaceful abode of universal, all pervading pure consciousness or BRAHMA. This practice is called BRAHMAVIDYA.


    Here the path we have to tread is a pathless path & the destination is the pathless land of self-awareness-the ultimate truth. And the practice is strictly subjective unlike other worldly practices which are objective since goal is our own self not apart from us.

    1. By all means do away with the habit of self –forgetfulness.

    2. Constantly strive to remain as pure consciousness.

    3. The state of all pervading pure consciousness can be attained by consistently & persistently keeping our attention on the ‘I’ consciousness which otherwise manifests as the world outside. The theory behind this practice is the principle of concealment & projection. The concealment of the self or self forgetfulness results in the manifestation of the universe & the self awareness results in its dissolution. Yes, we are the world.

    4. By constant practice the ‘I’ consciousness will merge in the universal consciousness & the practitioner will become “Liberated- in-life”. He alone can live in this world without being “Of the world”. Here the seen merges in the seer without any trace of duality.

    5. Make your awareness of yourself and the world outside as choice less as possible. By absolute choice less awareness you are tending towards absolute freedom from the gnawing grip of your own thoughts. Because absolute choice less awareness is BRAHMA-the pure undivided consciousness.

    Qs.5 How will a realized person live in this world?

    Ans. A self-realized person will live in this world just like any other person. He will always remain self-contained without being affected by the vagaries of the world. For him no external world exists outside himself. Thus the universal objectivity will give way to universal subjectivity for him. This is true purpose of self-realization & this is the final outcome of practicing BRAHMAVIDYA.

    Qs.6 Sir, is there any mention of self-realization in our ancient religious texts like The Holy Khuran, Holy Bible & The Holy Vedas?

    Ans. Yes, when the holy khuran tells “Allaahu Akbar” Prophet Mohammed means it.

    When The Bible says “I am the only way” Jesus means it. When he further tells that “I am that I am” he refers to the actual practice of BRAHMAVIDYA.

    When The Vedas proclaim “Thou art That” they mean it. This pure, all pervading, universal consciousness is the eternal, peaceful abode to be sought after by everybody. The final common pathway to be trodden by one & all to reach that destination is BRAHMAVIDYA-the science of practicing self-awareness.


    Qs.7. Sir,

    Kindly give me some clues regarding the practice of brahmavidya so that everybody can practice it and abide in his or her self eternally and effortlessly.

    Ans. Yes.

    Here are ten golden keys to open the door of self realization.

    1. Abandoning all ideas of acceptance and rejection and practicing choiceless awareness constantly try to abide in your pure ‘I’ consciousness as long as possible.

    2. Always practice self-enquiry in the form of “Who am I?” and to whom does this world belong? This will lead you to pure awareness or universal consciousness-your eternal abode. Abide in it as long as possible.

    3. Remain always as pure consciousness which is your real nature not affected by the three states of waking, dream and deep sleep.

    4. The self is to be realized just like sugar from sugarcane, fire from wood and butter from cow’s milk. Abandon all objects of contemplation and remain in your innermost self as pure consciousness.

    5. Always adopt a comprehensive view characterized by perceiving oneself and the world outside as pure consciousness.

    6. The self is pure consciousness, eternal, omnipresent, immutable and effulgent like the rising sun.The self is pure awareness undecaying free from all ideas of acceptance and rejection not limited by space, time and causation. There is only consciousness. You are consciousness-The world is consciousness-this is the conclusion.

    7. Supreme bliss can’t be attained by contact of the senses with their objects. The supreme state can be reached by annihilating the mind through one pointed enquiry-WHO AM I ?

    8. The supreme state is the pure state between existence and non-existence. Hold on to this state of ‘I’ consciousness and perceive that ‘I’ CONSCIOUSNESS as manifesting everywhere as the world.

    9. The only enemy to be conquered is the mind. Its conquest leads to the attainment of everything. With out its conquest all efforts are fruitless. Constant enquiry in the form of “WHO AM I”? (KOHAM) will lead one to the perception of pure awareness (SOHAM).

    10. Just as the ocean is nothing but water the entire world is nothing but consciousness. When we realize this Brahman or pure awareness the whole world will appear as the all pervading Supreme Lord- Truth, Consciousness and Bliss.






Why `Ganesha`is called `Vighneswara`

  • Why `Ganesha`is called `Vighneswara`

    For those who tread the pathless land of self-enquiry obstacles are in plenty. A comprehensive understanding of Vighneswara is necessary for a successful opening into BRAHMA VIDYA.
    1.The lotus seat.

    We should be like a lotus blooming at self-knowledge(sun) holding our heads high above the muddy ponds of the world(samsara).

    2.The crown of head.

    The crown is a status symbol of an emperor. A man of self knowledge is an emperor in the physical and spiritual world.

    3.Big ears.

    The big ears denote `Sravana`or intuitive hearing.The science of brahma vidya should initially be heard from a preceptor and big ears suggest absolute attention necessary for an aspirant of Brahma vidya.

    4.Small eyes

    are suggestive of keen observation and introspective contemplation necessary for a student of brahma vidya.

    5.Long proboscis.

    Even dogs and pigs use their sense of smell for their day to day existence. Similarly an elephant can pick a log of wood and a pin with it`s proboscis. Thus proboscis denotes the faculty of discrimination necessary for an aspirant of self knowledge to distinguish between the real and the unreal.

    6.The broken t
    denotes egolessness essential for a student of brahmavidya.

    7.Pot belly 
    indicates contentment.

    The rice ball and vedas in both hands 
     stands for preyas and sreyas and harmonization of physical and spiritual existence.

    9.The hook with an axe and the noose

     is suggestive of detachment from worldly bandages and freedom from desire, anger, greed ,delusion, ego,competition, attachment, and aversion.

    10.The mouse with a little rice ball. 

    The mouse depicts worldly desires which are powerful obstacles in the pathless path of self knowledge. The desires should be at our control otherwise just like rats they will undermine our faculty of self knowledge. Thus by adopting Ganesha as our spiritual guru, We will attain both material prosperity and spiritual beatitude.

Esoteric Lord Subrahmanya and Self-Realization.

Esoteric Lord subrahmanya and self-realization.

The lake `Saravana` which gave birth to six children, born out of`SIVA`S third eye of wisdom, is suggestive of `shadadhara`( The six chakras- mooladhara-svadhishtana-manipooraka-anahatha-visuddhi and anjna ). The coalescence of these six divine children in to one, resulted in birth of Lord Subrahmanya ( sahasrara chakra), effected by Devi Uma-the consort of Lord Siva.
`PALANI` means `Palam Ni`( you are the fruit). One day siva asked Ganapathi and subrahmanya to go around the world, offering
a fruit for the winner who reach him first. Subrahmanya started on his peacock, when the intelligent Ganapathi , simply went around his parents and went into the lap of Siva and sakthi. When subrahmanya returned, going around the world, he was disgusted, seeing Ganapathi, with the fruit in his hand. Subrahmanya immediately got the answer for his dissatisfaction when Siva told him that "YOU are the FRUIT".`In spirituality one`s own self is one`s own destination. `YOU are THAT`- siva meant that. Here `subrahmanya denotes `worldliness, which keeps one away from realization and ganesha, introspective contemplation, which yields self-realization easily.
SHAVEN HEAD: This is a sign of renunciation of the world and seeking divine grace.
The three lines of sacred ashes on the forehead is suggestive of freedom from the triads of wakefulness,dream and deep sleep,
freedom from `Thriputi`( knower, knowledge and known), and the gunas( sathwa, rajas and thamas).
THE SPEAR: One pointed self- enquiry.
THE KAMANDALU:Represents the renunciation of possessions and homelessness of an ascetic. A sellf realized will revel in his`SELF`(TRUTH-CONSCIOUSNESS and BLISS) only.
THE PEACOCK: Denotes `MAYA`-The illusory appearance of the phenomenal world of name and form, in space and time- in the vast ocean of consciousness. Attaining `subrahmanya pada` or self-realization one can get complete control over maya.
Valli and Devasena are two wives of subrahmanya. 
 Pravarthi marga denotes our material life and Niivruthi marga denotes spiritual life. Self knowledge will result in a harmonious blending of both.
Thus lord subrahmanya is an embodiment of self-realization.
Let Lord subrahmanya bless everybody for self-realization and sahaja samadhi.

`Lord Vighneswara, skanda, siva, sakthi and Self-Realization`

`Lord Vighneswara, skanda, siva, sakthi and Self-Realization`

Siva represents, the static, all pervading, undivided, pure consciousness and sakthi represents the dynamic consciousness, manifesting as the phenomenal world outside in space and time. But Siva and Sakthi are not actually two different entities, they are one and the same, just like waves and ocean.

An aspirant of Brahma vidya has to acquire, the qualities of Ganesha, ( see `Why Ganesha is called Vighneswara` in Sahaja Samadhi) before start treading the pathless path of Self-Realization.

Lord Subrahmanya (see` Esoteric lord Subrahmanya and Self-Realization`in sahaja samadhi) actually depicts, the process of attaining self knowledge- already attained.

Thus the quintessence of the mystic family of Siva and Sakthi, is nothing but Self-Realization and Sahaja Samadhi.
Friends! Adopting the qualities of Ganesha, learning from Subrahmanya, the art of harmonizing the spiritual and material life; we shall tread the pathless land of `SELF`                ( TRUTH-BEING-EXISTENCE-CONSCIOUSNESS  and BLISS), perceiving the static and dynamic aspects of our consciousness, through the eye of consciousness (Third eye or insight ) resulting in Sahaja Samadhi.

For the seekers of `Sahaja Samadhi` another ZEN story- All roads lead to the land of `BUDDHA`.

For the seekers of `Sahaja Samadhi` another ZEN story

One day a zen disciple asked his master:
 sir, I have heard that all roads lead to the land of `BUDDHA`, but one road leads directly to Maha Nirvana               ( enlightenment). Master, tell me , where does that road start from?. The master stood up from his sitting posture , took his walking stick , held it firmly on the ground, in front of his disciple and told him:

Right from here!

The disciple remained spellbound as if thunder struck and got realized instantly.

The moral of the story

Truth( ZEN-BUDDHAHOOD- or ENLIGHTENMENT) is a pathless land without any roads ever leading to it. Actually all roads are in it. Any time is a time fit for self-realization.Once We focus our attention on the `PRESENT`, We will touch that perennial source of sahaja samadhi and `BE` in it for ever. We were all on that road all along , are, and will be all along for ever.

The`SEER`, the `SEEN`and 'Self-Realization'

The`SEER`, the `SEEN`and 'Self-Realization'

The realm of the`SEEN`is transitory and fleeting, always influenced by space, time and causation. Since so many births, our body- mind-intellect complex with the five sense organs, is flowing towards the world of name and form, evolved from the five elements, ether, air, water fire and earth ,through ears, skin, tongue, eyes and nose, as sound, touch, taste, vision and smell. But the `SEER` remains behind the screen, without ever noticed by us. The `seer`is actually the omnipresent ,omnipotent, immutable reality- the all pervading, pure, `TRUTH-CONSCIOUSNESS- and BLISS`,which is the only substratum for the whole, manifested, phenomenal world ( THE `SEEN`). Yes! The `SEER is the `SEEN`. 
The whole process of self-realization involves, the shifting of our attention from the`SEEN`to the `SEER`. `Self-Inquiry`in the form of `Who am I? or absolute, unconditional, self- surrender to the
almighty are the only unfailing methods for self-realization.
 Once you get hold of that `SEER`, the whole game is over;
just like the` hide and seek`play of `police and thief`, where the
police is none other than the thief himself-THE EGO.

The `Gospel of BIBLE and Self-Realization.

  • The Gospel of 'BIBLE' and Self-Realization.

    When Jesus christ proclaimed`I am that I am`and `I` am the only way`, he meant self-realization. The `I`-CONSCIOUSNESS or `I`- am ness is `GOD`himself otherwise known as `BRAHMA`, `ATHMA`, `GURU`, 'SELF' or `Truth-Being-Existence-consciousness and bliss.

    Self-realization through `Brahmavidya`( The science of practicing pure awareness) is the only means for getting freedom from birth, growth, disease, old age and death- Liberation-in-Life.
      `I am the only way`means it.

     Let these Biblical aphorisms `I am that `I`am and `I` am the only way`be the indicators for self-realization and sahaja samadhi.

Glimpses of Self-Realization-SWAATHMAARAAMAN

Sitting underneath the shade of a banyan tree, a fisherman was having his morning catch on a fishing rod, from a nearby river.
A passer by was watching him, from a distance for some time.
Suddenly the fisherman got a good catch, he took the fish from
his rod, walked towards the tree and began taking rest. The passerby went towards him, and asked him why he did not use a fishing net for fishing, so that he could get a better catch.
Fisherman: so what?
Passerby: Better catch will give you more money, so that you can buy a fishing boat and catch more fish.
Fisherman: So what?
Passerby: Then you can have so many fishing boats and so many fishermen , catching fish for you, which will earn you more money,
and then you can have a beautiful home, lovely wife, and dear
Fisherman: So what?
Passerby: Then you can retire from fishing and take rest.
Fisherman: That is what I am doing now!
Friends! That passerby stood still as if thunderstruck and got realized instantaneously.

The mystic 'vamana', 'Mahabali' and 'sahaja samadhi'

The mystic 'vamana', 'Mahabali' and 'sahaja samadhi'
On the banks of the river Narmada, in front of the fire of sacrifice, Mahabali sat with his wife Vindhyavali, waiting for their Guru Sukracharya. Soon Vamana, the embodiment of spiritual enlightenment, reached the venue of sacrifice. After greeting each other, Mahabali asked Vamana to demand anything he would like. vamana:” Give me three feet of land, so that I can sit and meditate.I don`t want anything more!”. Sukracharya immediately , reached the scene, and ordered Mahabali , not to give Vamana anything , recognizing that Vamana was none other than Lord Mahavishnu himself. But Mahabali hailing from the noble family of Prahlada, took a firm decision, to donate three feet of land to Vamana, disobeying his guru Sukracharya.Immediately Vamana, the incarnation of Lord Mahavishnu, occupied the three worlds, with his all encompassing divine feet, rendering Mahabali homeless.

Now we shall go through, the esoteric ism behind this story. Mahabali actually represents our mind which is nothing but a conglomeration of thought constructs and Ego. The mind is always influenced by both material and spiritual thoughts. Sukracharya is none other than the promoter of desire- prompted actions ( karma vasana). Giving too much importance to material pursuits make us spiritual pigmies( Vamana). Disobeying Sukracharya, the arrogant promoter of desire-prompted actions, one should enter the divine land of spiritual beatitude, by absolute self- surrender, renouncing not only one`s possessions ( Mind) but the possessor ( Ego) too. Here the spiritual pigmy becomes a spiritual giant. Thus casting away, the gnawing grip of 'gunas' ( sathwa-light, rajas-activity and thamas-ignorance) from our minds, the all pervading, pure, infinite consciousness (Mahavishnu), occupies our three states of finite consciousness( wakeful , dream and deep sleep )- the three feet of land.

When the ocean of cosmic consciousness, flow back,through the river of finite consciousness of the aspirant of Brahmavidya, cosmic pralaya or cosmic flood occurs there in the mind, resulting in total enlightenment, self-realization and sahaja samadhi. ‘Thiruvonam’, celebrated by keralites, every year , is actually our aspiration for spiritual enlightenment and fulfilment.


  • Friends, 
    Our consciousness (Brahman) has got two dimensions- the static and the dynamic.The dynamic aspect of our consciousness create the external world limited by space time and causation.The static aspect is there behind always remaining as the substratum. As ocean and waves are inseparable-both being water- the static and dynamic aspects of our consciousness are inseparable both being one and the same. In Bhagavan Krishna`s RASA LEELA always Krishna is there in between two Gopikas performing the everlasting divine cosmic dance. What is the esoteric significance of this dance? Gopikas are nothing but our thoughts and Krishna is the omnipresent all-pervading gap in between. Entering this gap We will enter LIFE-DIVINE. Otherwise if we are following our thoughts We will lead a life full of desire- prompted actions-being 'OF' the world rather than being 'IN' the world without ever knowing what it is all about. Thus by entering the gap in between two thoughts We can enter LIFE-DIVINE. My dear friends try this and remain self-realized.

*The four vedic aphorisms and self-realisation*

*The four vedic aphorisms and self-realisation*

The four vedic aphorisms are
1.Pranjnanam Brahma(Rigveda)
2.Aham Brahmasmi(Yajurveda)
4.Ayamathma Brahma(Atharva veda).
Pranjnanam Brahma is actually a definition for Brahma which means Brahmam is nothing but pure consciousness.
Aham Brahmasmi is a word of actual experience of pure consciousness.
Tathwa masi is a word of instruction which means YOU ARE THAT.
Ayamathma Brahma means I am athma-Brahma or pure consciousness.
From all the above aphorisms We can very easily conclude that We are all nothing but pure consciousness. In side out side every where there is only that omni present- omni potent all-pervading pure consciousness, otherwise known as -TRUTH- BEING-EXISTENCE-CONSCIOUSNESS-and BLISS.We are all nothing but pure consciousness with names and forms.