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Tuesday 3 December 2013

Why `Ganesha`is called `Vighneswara`

  • Why `Ganesha`is called `Vighneswara`

    For those who tread the pathless land of self-enquiry obstacles are in plenty. A comprehensive understanding of Vighneswara is necessary for a successful opening into BRAHMA VIDYA.
    1.The lotus seat.

    We should be like a lotus blooming at self-knowledge(sun) holding our heads high above the muddy ponds of the world(samsara).

    2.The crown of head.

    The crown is a status symbol of an emperor. A man of self knowledge is an emperor in the physical and spiritual world.

    3.Big ears.

    The big ears denote `Sravana`or intuitive hearing.The science of brahma vidya should initially be heard from a preceptor and big ears suggest absolute attention necessary for an aspirant of Brahma vidya.

    4.Small eyes

    are suggestive of keen observation and introspective contemplation necessary for a student of brahma vidya.

    5.Long proboscis.

    Even dogs and pigs use their sense of smell for their day to day existence. Similarly an elephant can pick a log of wood and a pin with it`s proboscis. Thus proboscis denotes the faculty of discrimination necessary for an aspirant of self knowledge to distinguish between the real and the unreal.

    6.The broken t
    denotes egolessness essential for a student of brahmavidya.

    7.Pot belly 
    indicates contentment.

    The rice ball and vedas in both hands 
     stands for preyas and sreyas and harmonization of physical and spiritual existence.

    9.The hook with an axe and the noose

     is suggestive of detachment from worldly bandages and freedom from desire, anger, greed ,delusion, ego,competition, attachment, and aversion.

    10.The mouse with a little rice ball. 

    The mouse depicts worldly desires which are powerful obstacles in the pathless path of self knowledge. The desires should be at our control otherwise just like rats they will undermine our faculty of self knowledge. Thus by adopting Ganesha as our spiritual guru, We will attain both material prosperity and spiritual beatitude.

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