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An ENT Surgeon running my own Clinic since 1989 at Kodakara, Thrissur.

Tuesday 3 December 2013

Esoteric Lord Subrahmanya and Self-Realization.

Esoteric Lord subrahmanya and self-realization.

The lake `Saravana` which gave birth to six children, born out of`SIVA`S third eye of wisdom, is suggestive of `shadadhara`( The six chakras- mooladhara-svadhishtana-manipooraka-anahatha-visuddhi and anjna ). The coalescence of these six divine children in to one, resulted in birth of Lord Subrahmanya ( sahasrara chakra), effected by Devi Uma-the consort of Lord Siva.
`PALANI` means `Palam Ni`( you are the fruit). One day siva asked Ganapathi and subrahmanya to go around the world, offering
a fruit for the winner who reach him first. Subrahmanya started on his peacock, when the intelligent Ganapathi , simply went around his parents and went into the lap of Siva and sakthi. When subrahmanya returned, going around the world, he was disgusted, seeing Ganapathi, with the fruit in his hand. Subrahmanya immediately got the answer for his dissatisfaction when Siva told him that "YOU are the FRUIT".`In spirituality one`s own self is one`s own destination. `YOU are THAT`- siva meant that. Here `subrahmanya denotes `worldliness, which keeps one away from realization and ganesha, introspective contemplation, which yields self-realization easily.
SHAVEN HEAD: This is a sign of renunciation of the world and seeking divine grace.
The three lines of sacred ashes on the forehead is suggestive of freedom from the triads of wakefulness,dream and deep sleep,
freedom from `Thriputi`( knower, knowledge and known), and the gunas( sathwa, rajas and thamas).
THE SPEAR: One pointed self- enquiry.
THE KAMANDALU:Represents the renunciation of possessions and homelessness of an ascetic. A sellf realized will revel in his`SELF`(TRUTH-CONSCIOUSNESS and BLISS) only.
THE PEACOCK: Denotes `MAYA`-The illusory appearance of the phenomenal world of name and form, in space and time- in the vast ocean of consciousness. Attaining `subrahmanya pada` or self-realization one can get complete control over maya.
Valli and Devasena are two wives of subrahmanya. 
 Pravarthi marga denotes our material life and Niivruthi marga denotes spiritual life. Self knowledge will result in a harmonious blending of both.
Thus lord subrahmanya is an embodiment of self-realization.
Let Lord subrahmanya bless everybody for self-realization and sahaja samadhi.

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