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An ENT Surgeon running my own Clinic since 1989 at Kodakara, Thrissur.

Tuesday 17 December 2013





1. What is the state of attainment of knowledge?

It is firm and effortless abidance in the Self in which the mind which has become one with the Self does not subsequently emerge again at any time. Everyone, when he thinks of his body, usually and naturally has the idea, ‘I am not a goat or a cow, or any other animal, but a human being’. Similarly, when he naturally has the 'Self-awareness', ‘I am not the tattvas, beginning with the body and ending with nada [sound] but the Self which is existence-consciousness-bliss’, this is said to be the attainment of firm knowledge.




D.: We are trying to stop thoughts. Gandhiji also says that thought is an obstacle to God’s guidance. So it is the natural state. Though natural, yet how difficult to realize. They say that sadhanas are necessary and also that they are obstacles. We get confused.

M.: Sadhanas are needed so long as one has not realized it. They are for putting an end to obstacles. Finally there comes a stage when a person feels helpless notwithstanding the sadhanas. He is unable to pursue the much-cherished sadhana also. It is then that God’s Power is realized. The Self reveals itself.

D.: If the state is natural, why does it not overcome the unnatural phases and assert itself over the rest?
M.: Is there anything besides that? Does anyone see anything besides the Self? One is always aware of the Self. So It is always Itself.






The sense of ‘I’ pertains to the person, the body and brain. When a man knows his true Self for the first time something else arises from the depth
s of his being and takes possession of him. That something is behind the mind; it is infinite, divine, eternal. Some people call it the Kingdom of Heaven, others call it the soul and others again Nirvana, and Hindus call it Liberation; you may give it what name you wish. When this happens a man has not really lost himself; rather he has found himself.

Unless and until a man embarks on this quest of the true Self, doubt and uncertainty will follow his footsteps through life. The greatest kings and statesmen try to rule others when in their heart of hearts they know that they cannot rule themselves. Yet the greatest power is at the command of the man who has penetrated to his inmost depth. . . . What is the use of knowing about everything else when you do not yet know who you are? Men avoid this enquiry into the true Self, but what else is there so worthy to be undertaken?


The ‘Esoteric Ramayana’-‘ Yuddha kanda’ ( The chapter on wars)- Thus the battle in between ‘RAMA’ and ‘RAVANA’ is nothing but the process of ‘Self-Realization’, accomplished through ‘SETHU BANDHANA’(Renunciation of the phenomenal world), with the help of monkeys ( vedic aphorisms), killing of ‘RAVANA’ and ‘KUMBHAKARNA’( Winning ‘rajo-guna’ and’ thamo-guna), gaining ‘SITA’ ( Brahma vidya) and ‘Sreerama pattabhishekam’ ( Self-coronation as the emperor of the empire of one`s own self-Truth consciousness and bliss), at ‘AYODHYA’ (The kingdom where there is no more war).

The ‘Esoteric Ramayana’-‘ Yuddha kanda’ ( The chapter on wars)

I. Bridging the ocean (Sethu bandhana)- ( the spirit of renunciation of the phenomenal world, by an aspirant of ‘BRAHMA VIDYA’),
II. Killing ‘RAVANA’ (Casting away ‘rajoguna’, the field of incessant activity),
III. Enthronement of ‘VIBHEESHANA’ (Sathwaguna-self-knowledge) as the king of ‘LANKA’, and
IV. The coronation of ‘SREERAMA’ as the emperor of ‘AYODHYA’ (The self-coronation of an aspirant of ‘Brahmavidya’, as the emperor of the empire, of one`s own ‘SELF’ (Truth-consciousness and bliss),
Are the major events in ‘YUDDHA KANDA’ (The chapter on wars).

Our scriptures are full of wars, in between gods, demons, kings and emperors and these wars have nothing to do with the conventional wars or conflicts. These represent the mental conflicts encountered by a spiritual aspirant, treading the pathless path of ‘BRAHMA VIDYA’.

‘Lanka’ represents the turbulent, ever changing, vagaries of the mind’. ‘RAVANA’ is ‘RAJO GUNA’, (Involvement in desire-prompted activities), ‘KUMBHA KARNA’, ‘THAMO GUNA’ (self-ignorance) and ‘VIBHEESHANA’, ‘SATHWA GUNA’ (self-knowledge). The demons (rakshas) are the mental modifications or thought constructs, creating hurdles in the course of an aspirant of Brahma vidya’. The crossing of the ocean of phenomenal world is made possible, with the help of an army of monkeys (The scriptural aphorisms, showing the pathless path of ‘Brahma vidya’).

Thus the battle in between ‘RAMA’ and ‘RAVANA’ is nothing but the process of ‘Self-Realization’, accomplished through ‘SETHU BANDHANA’(Renunciation of the phenomenal world), with the help of monkeys ( vedic aphorisms), killing of ‘RAVANA’ and ‘KUMBHAKARNA’( Winning ‘rajo-guna’ and’ thamo-guna), gaining ‘SITA’ ( Brahma vidya) and ‘Sreerama pattabhishekam’ ( Self-coronation as the emperor of the empire of one`s own self-Truth consciousness and bliss), at ‘AYODHYA’ (The kingdom where there is no more war). 



(Revel in one`s own 'SELF'-'RAMA'- through 'BRAHMA-VIDYA'-'SITA'.


The esoteric ‘RAMAYANA’-‘Sundara kandam’- ‘BE RAMA and WIN SITA’ (Revel in one`s own 'SELF'-'RAMA'- through 'BRAHMA-VIDYA'-'SITA'.

The esoteric ‘RAMAYANA’-‘Sundara kandam’

Transgression of the ocean, trespassing on ‘LANKA’ and the vision of ‘SITA’ by ‘HANUMAN’, are the major events of ‘SUNDARA KANDAM’, in ‘RAMAYANA’. ‘KA/LAM’ when reversed is 'LAM/KA'. ‘Kalam’ is ‘TIME’, which manifests as the ‘MACROCOSM' ( Brahmandam), outside and as the ,'MICROCOSM' (Pindandam), inside an individual soul and both are one and the same. When ‘RAJO GUNA’ (Ravana) is active, there occurs a reversal of the concept of ‘GOD’ and that was what happened in ‘LANKA’. ‘Ravana’ tried in vain to snatch away ‘SITA’ from ‘RAMA’, and miserably failed to retain her. ‘SITA’ ( BRAHMA VIDYA) is transcendental- beyond the reach of three gunas (Sathwa-knowledge, Rajas-intense activity, and Thamas-ignorance ); inseparable from ‘RAMA’ ( Cosmic consciousness ). That is the reason why ‘RAVANA’ failed to win ‘SITA’.

In ‘RAMAYANA’ altogether there are seven chapters, of which ‘Sundara kandam’ is supposed to be the most beautiful- sundara- as the name mentions it. Self-Realization is the core of ‘SUNDARA KANDAM’. As far as an ‘individual soul’ is concerned ‘Self-Realization’ is the most significant event that can occur in life. The ‘jiva’ (individual soul), for transgressing the ocean of phenomenal world, passes through various spiritual disciplines, and regains ‘BRAHMA VIDYA’- already attained.

‘HANUMAN’ (An ideal aspirant of ‘Brahma vidya’ ), after climbing mount ‘ MAHENDRA’, proclaimed like this. “Blessed am I! – Blessed am I! ; My birth has become fruitful, since I can meet ‘SITA’ (Brahma vidya ) soon. I can very easily jump and cross the ocean of ‘SAMSARA’ (Phenomenal world), since I have got ‘RAMA’ (one who revels in self-knowledge), in my heart, the divine ring of ‘RAMA’ ( culmination of desire-prompted actions) in my hand, and ‘RAMA’ nama ( The transcendental cosmic consciousness ) in my tongue. A disciple with intense aspiration for ‘Liberation- in-life’, is represented by ‘Hanuman’. The ocean is the phenomenal world, crossing which; the vision of ‘SITA’ (Brahma vidya’) can be attained.

The obstacles encountered by ‘Hanuman’ on the way to ‘LANKA’ are
1. The mount ‘MYNAKA’ (Freedom from hankering after worldly objects and desires),
2. The serpent ‘SURASA’ (Freedom from internal attachment to worldly desires), and
3. ‘Chaya grahini’( Mental detachment from ‘wealth, wife and children).

The ring of ‘RAMA’ , in the hand of ‘HANUMAN’, given to ‘SITA’ , as a token of identity, denotes the culmination of desire-prompted actions, by an aspirant of ‘BRAHMA VIDYA’ and the ‘CHOODA RATHNA’ ( A jewel worn in head by ladies as an ornament ) , given by ‘SITA’ to ‘HANUMAN’, is the crowning glory of ‘Self-Realization’ and ‘Sahaja- Samadhi’.



‘BE RAMA and WIN SITA’ (Revel in one`s own 'SELF'-'RAMA'- through 'BRAHMA-VIDYA'-'SITA'.
