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An ENT Surgeon running my own Clinic since 1989 at Kodakara, Thrissur.

Tuesday 17 December 2013

The esoteric ‘RAMAYANA’-‘Sundara kandam’- ‘BE RAMA and WIN SITA’ (Revel in one`s own 'SELF'-'RAMA'- through 'BRAHMA-VIDYA'-'SITA'.

The esoteric ‘RAMAYANA’-‘Sundara kandam’

Transgression of the ocean, trespassing on ‘LANKA’ and the vision of ‘SITA’ by ‘HANUMAN’, are the major events of ‘SUNDARA KANDAM’, in ‘RAMAYANA’. ‘KA/LAM’ when reversed is 'LAM/KA'. ‘Kalam’ is ‘TIME’, which manifests as the ‘MACROCOSM' ( Brahmandam), outside and as the ,'MICROCOSM' (Pindandam), inside an individual soul and both are one and the same. When ‘RAJO GUNA’ (Ravana) is active, there occurs a reversal of the concept of ‘GOD’ and that was what happened in ‘LANKA’. ‘Ravana’ tried in vain to snatch away ‘SITA’ from ‘RAMA’, and miserably failed to retain her. ‘SITA’ ( BRAHMA VIDYA) is transcendental- beyond the reach of three gunas (Sathwa-knowledge, Rajas-intense activity, and Thamas-ignorance ); inseparable from ‘RAMA’ ( Cosmic consciousness ). That is the reason why ‘RAVANA’ failed to win ‘SITA’.

In ‘RAMAYANA’ altogether there are seven chapters, of which ‘Sundara kandam’ is supposed to be the most beautiful- sundara- as the name mentions it. Self-Realization is the core of ‘SUNDARA KANDAM’. As far as an ‘individual soul’ is concerned ‘Self-Realization’ is the most significant event that can occur in life. The ‘jiva’ (individual soul), for transgressing the ocean of phenomenal world, passes through various spiritual disciplines, and regains ‘BRAHMA VIDYA’- already attained.

‘HANUMAN’ (An ideal aspirant of ‘Brahma vidya’ ), after climbing mount ‘ MAHENDRA’, proclaimed like this. “Blessed am I! – Blessed am I! ; My birth has become fruitful, since I can meet ‘SITA’ (Brahma vidya ) soon. I can very easily jump and cross the ocean of ‘SAMSARA’ (Phenomenal world), since I have got ‘RAMA’ (one who revels in self-knowledge), in my heart, the divine ring of ‘RAMA’ ( culmination of desire-prompted actions) in my hand, and ‘RAMA’ nama ( The transcendental cosmic consciousness ) in my tongue. A disciple with intense aspiration for ‘Liberation- in-life’, is represented by ‘Hanuman’. The ocean is the phenomenal world, crossing which; the vision of ‘SITA’ (Brahma vidya’) can be attained.

The obstacles encountered by ‘Hanuman’ on the way to ‘LANKA’ are
1. The mount ‘MYNAKA’ (Freedom from hankering after worldly objects and desires),
2. The serpent ‘SURASA’ (Freedom from internal attachment to worldly desires), and
3. ‘Chaya grahini’( Mental detachment from ‘wealth, wife and children).

The ring of ‘RAMA’ , in the hand of ‘HANUMAN’, given to ‘SITA’ , as a token of identity, denotes the culmination of desire-prompted actions, by an aspirant of ‘BRAHMA VIDYA’ and the ‘CHOODA RATHNA’ ( A jewel worn in head by ladies as an ornament ) , given by ‘SITA’ to ‘HANUMAN’, is the crowning glory of ‘Self-Realization’ and ‘Sahaja- Samadhi’.



‘BE RAMA and WIN SITA’ (Revel in one`s own 'SELF'-'RAMA'- through 'BRAHMA-VIDYA'-'SITA'.


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