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An ENT Surgeon running my own Clinic since 1989 at Kodakara, Thrissur.

Monday 16 December 2013

The esoteric ‘RAMAYANA’-Kishkindha kandam- Establishment of friendship with ‘SUGREEVA’, termination of ‘BALI’, and investigation of the whereabouts of ‘SITA’, are the important events in ‘KISHKINDA KANDAM’.

The esoteric ‘RAMAYANA’-Kishkindha kandam

Establishment of friendship with ‘SUGREEVA’, termination of ‘BALI’, and investigation of the whereabouts of ‘SITA’, are the important events in ‘KISHKINDA KANDAM’.

Cultivation of the faculty of discrimination (VIVEKA), is the establishment of friendship with ‘SUGREEVA’. ‘BALI’ represents the faculty of in-discrimination (AVIVEKA); and casting away of in-discrimination is essential for ‘Self-inquiry’ which is nothing but investigation of the whereabouts of ‘SITA’ (BRAHMA VIDYA). The river ‘PAMPA’ mentioned in ‘KISHKINDHAKANDAM’, stands for the ‘mind’, purified by spiritual disciplines, fit for reflecting the ‘SELF’ ( Truth-consciousness and bliss ). The rearrangement of the letters of the word ‘PA/PAM’ (VICE), constitute ‘PAM/PA’ (VIRTUE); which is nothing but the holy river ‘PAMPA’; representing, the mind reveling in ‘SAHAJA SAMADHI’, without any thought constructs, remaining like a wave less water body.

‘VIVEKA’ (discrimination) and 'AVIVEKA’ (in-discrimination) may look alike, and it is difficult to distinguish in between, even for the elite. That is the significance of ‘RAMA`S’ garlanding of ‘SUGREEVA’ with flowers, before the second round of fierce duel in between ‘BALI’ and ‘SUGREEVA’; so that ‘RAMA’ can identify , ‘SUGREEVA’ and kill ‘BALI’. ‘Viveka’ (discrimination) is characterized by qualities like ‘self-surrender’ (bhakthi), and lack of’ worldliness’ where as ‘Aviveka’ (in-discrimination) is characterized by ‘egocentricity’ and ‘worldliness’.

‘THARA’ is ‘pranava’ or tharaka manthra ‘OM’, which helps those who recite it; to transgress the trans migratory existence in the ephemeral, phenomenal world. ‘OM’ should be worshiped with ‘EGOLESSNESS’ and ‘BRAHMOHAM’ buddhi (I am pure consciousness). Otherwise that may result in one`s own ruin. ‘BALI’ was ruined by ‘THARA’; but ‘SUGREEVA’ got ‘liberation-in-life through her. The throwing away of the skeleton of ‘DUNDHUBHI’ indicates, casting away of ‘I’ am the body’-consciousness ( DEHOHAM buddhi ).

The faculty of discrimination ( Viveka ) develops, ‘egolessness’ and 'desirelessness' in an individual soul ( jiva); resulting in ‘self-surrender’, ‘self-awareness’ and detachment from ‘samsara’ (phenomenal world). Such an individual is fit for ‘SELF-INQUIRY’. Monkeys are ‘upanishad manthras’ (That which liberates one who contemplates) , helpful for the seekers of ‘Self-Realization’ (Brahmavidya) , treading the pathless path of ‘self-inquiry’.

Visiting the cave of ‘VISWAKARMA’ and the vision of ‘SWAYAM PRABHA’ denote ‘glimpses of self-realization’, in the cave of heart ( one`s own self ), during the course of ‘Self-inquiry’.
The monkeys went in four different directions, in search of ‘SITA’ (Brahma vidya ) but those went in the southern direction alone could understand the whereabouts. This shows various spiritual disciplines meant for Self-Realization, without ever serving the purpose. Even though, every monkey went in search of ‘SITA’, only a few got glimpses of her. Only those who possess the spiritual qualities like ‘detachment from worldliness’ and’ abidance in self-knowledge’ and ‘SELF-SURRENDER’, are competent enough to pursue ‘BAHMA VIDYA’.These qualities denote the resurrection, of the lost wings of ‘SAMPATHI’. ‘SITA (BRAHMA VIDYA )’ was lost when ‘JADAYU’ lost his wings of worldly- detachment and self-knowledge. Again ‘SITA’ was regained when ‘SAMPATHI’ got his lost wings of detachment and self-awareness.
Thus ‘KISHKINDA KANDAM’ contains a lot of hidden teachings for a seeker of ‘Self-Realization’ and’Sahaja- Samadhi’.


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