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An ENT Surgeon running my own Clinic since 1989 at Kodakara, Thrissur.

Monday 16 December 2013

The esoteric ‘RAMAYANA’-Kishkindha kandam- Establishment of friendship with ‘SUGREEVA’, termination of ‘BALI’, and investigation of the whereabouts of ‘SITA’, are the important events in ‘KISHKINDA KANDAM’.

The esoteric ‘RAMAYANA’-Kishkindha kandam

Establishment of friendship with ‘SUGREEVA’, termination of ‘BALI’, and investigation of the whereabouts of ‘SITA’, are the important events in ‘KISHKINDA KANDAM’.

Cultivation of the faculty of discrimination (VIVEKA), is the establishment of friendship with ‘SUGREEVA’. ‘BALI’ represents the faculty of in-discrimination (AVIVEKA); and casting away of in-discrimination is essential for ‘Self-inquiry’ which is nothing but investigation of the whereabouts of ‘SITA’ (BRAHMA VIDYA). The river ‘PAMPA’ mentioned in ‘KISHKINDHAKANDAM’, stands for the ‘mind’, purified by spiritual disciplines, fit for reflecting the ‘SELF’ ( Truth-consciousness and bliss ). The rearrangement of the letters of the word ‘PA/PAM’ (VICE), constitute ‘PAM/PA’ (VIRTUE); which is nothing but the holy river ‘PAMPA’; representing, the mind reveling in ‘SAHAJA SAMADHI’, without any thought constructs, remaining like a wave less water body.

‘VIVEKA’ (discrimination) and 'AVIVEKA’ (in-discrimination) may look alike, and it is difficult to distinguish in between, even for the elite. That is the significance of ‘RAMA`S’ garlanding of ‘SUGREEVA’ with flowers, before the second round of fierce duel in between ‘BALI’ and ‘SUGREEVA’; so that ‘RAMA’ can identify , ‘SUGREEVA’ and kill ‘BALI’. ‘Viveka’ (discrimination) is characterized by qualities like ‘self-surrender’ (bhakthi), and lack of’ worldliness’ where as ‘Aviveka’ (in-discrimination) is characterized by ‘egocentricity’ and ‘worldliness’.

‘THARA’ is ‘pranava’ or tharaka manthra ‘OM’, which helps those who recite it; to transgress the trans migratory existence in the ephemeral, phenomenal world. ‘OM’ should be worshiped with ‘EGOLESSNESS’ and ‘BRAHMOHAM’ buddhi (I am pure consciousness). Otherwise that may result in one`s own ruin. ‘BALI’ was ruined by ‘THARA’; but ‘SUGREEVA’ got ‘liberation-in-life through her. The throwing away of the skeleton of ‘DUNDHUBHI’ indicates, casting away of ‘I’ am the body’-consciousness ( DEHOHAM buddhi ).

The faculty of discrimination ( Viveka ) develops, ‘egolessness’ and 'desirelessness' in an individual soul ( jiva); resulting in ‘self-surrender’, ‘self-awareness’ and detachment from ‘samsara’ (phenomenal world). Such an individual is fit for ‘SELF-INQUIRY’. Monkeys are ‘upanishad manthras’ (That which liberates one who contemplates) , helpful for the seekers of ‘Self-Realization’ (Brahmavidya) , treading the pathless path of ‘self-inquiry’.

Visiting the cave of ‘VISWAKARMA’ and the vision of ‘SWAYAM PRABHA’ denote ‘glimpses of self-realization’, in the cave of heart ( one`s own self ), during the course of ‘Self-inquiry’.
The monkeys went in four different directions, in search of ‘SITA’ (Brahma vidya ) but those went in the southern direction alone could understand the whereabouts. This shows various spiritual disciplines meant for Self-Realization, without ever serving the purpose. Even though, every monkey went in search of ‘SITA’, only a few got glimpses of her. Only those who possess the spiritual qualities like ‘detachment from worldliness’ and’ abidance in self-knowledge’ and ‘SELF-SURRENDER’, are competent enough to pursue ‘BAHMA VIDYA’.These qualities denote the resurrection, of the lost wings of ‘SAMPATHI’. ‘SITA (BRAHMA VIDYA )’ was lost when ‘JADAYU’ lost his wings of worldly- detachment and self-knowledge. Again ‘SITA’ was regained when ‘SAMPATHI’ got his lost wings of detachment and self-awareness.
Thus ‘KISHKINDA KANDAM’ contains a lot of hidden teachings for a seeker of ‘Self-Realization’ and’Sahaja- Samadhi’.


For the seekers of Self-Realization and Sahaja Samadhi.Vaishnava Janato .............

For the seekers of Self-Realization and Sahaja Samadhi

'Vaishnava jana to' is one of the most popular Bhajans, written in the 15th century by the poet 'Narsinh Mehta'.
The bhajan was included in 'Mahatma Gandhi'’s daily prayer.
The bhajan speaks about the life, ideals and mentality of a Vaishnav Jana (a follower of Vishnu or Krishna).



One who is a Vaishnav (one who is a devotee of Vishnu)
Knows the pain of others
Does good to others, especially to those ones who are in misery
Does not let pride enter his mind

A Vaishnav, Tolerates and praises the the entire world
Does not say bad things about anyone
Keeps his/her words, actions and thoughts pure
O Vaishnav, your mother is blessed

A Vaishnav sees everything equally, rejects greed and avarice
Considers some one else's wife/daughter as his mother
The tongue may get tired, but will never speak lies
Does not even touch someone else's property

A Vaishnav does not succumb to worldly attachments
Who has devoted himself to staunch detachment to worldly pleasures
Who has been addicted to the elixir coming by the name of Ram
For whom all the religious sites are in the mind

Who has no greed and deceit
Who has renounced lust of all types and anger
The poet Narsi will like to see such a person
By who's virtue, the entire family gets salvation

The jewel ‘SYAMANTHAKA’, Self-Realization and Sahaja- Samadhi . A non- discriminating mind will be the receptacle of God`s punishment in the form of 'Self-forgetfulness' and indulgence in the phenomenal world, through myriads of births and deaths.

The jewel ‘SYAMANTHAKA’, Self-Realization and Sahaja- Samadhi .

In ‘Dwaraka’, once there lived a ‘yadava’ ,called 'Sathrajith’. After undergoing great ‘Tapas’, he got the jewel- ‘Syamanthaka’ from ‘SUN’. The ‘syamanthaka was famous for producing a great quantity of gold every day. One day Lord Krishna asked sathrajith, to give him ‘syamanthaka’, to keep it in his palace for a few days. But ‘Sathrajith’ refused to give , doubting that ‘Krishna’ might not return it. One day , ‘Prasena’ , the brother of ‘Sathrajith’, went on a hunting spree, wearing ‘syamanthaka’, as an ornament, around his neck. Presena was killed by a lion in the forest, and the lion ran away taking ‘syamanthaka’ in it`s mouth . When ‘Jambavan’ ( a pretty old monkey ), saw this lion with ‘syamanthaka, killed the lion, took the jewel with him and gave it to his children to play. Later ‘KRISHNA’ recovered ‘Syamanthaka’ and gave it back to ‘Sathrajith’, the story goes on like that.

Moral of the story

The Jewel ‘syamanthaka’, actually represents the human body. The human body is a great gift of god, for which one has to undergo a lot of ‘Tapas’. If utilized properly, human life on earth is a great opportunity, for Self-Realization and Sahaja- Samadhi. Self-Realization is the only purpose of human life on earth. One has to unconditionally surrender oneself to ‘GOD’ for that. If not, our body-mind-intellect complex, will be under the influence of sense organs ( Jambavan and children ), wandering here and there, in vain. Then such a non discriminating mind will be the receptacle of God`s punishment in the form of self-forgetfulness and indulgence in the phenomenal world, through myriads of births and deaths.
Let us surrender our jewels of ‘syamanthaka’ to the almighty, to deserve and own , Self-Realization and Sahaja- Samadhi. Self-inquiry in the form of ‘Who am I’, or absolute, unconditional, self-surrender to ‘GOD’ or one`s own ‘SELF’- Truth-Consciousness and Bliss- are the means for that. Otherwise, our repetitive and degenerative life , will be a great waste of time. We shall 'hasten slowly’ through this pathless-path of’ Self-Realization’ and’ Sahaja- Samadhi’.


A salt-doll cannot gauge the depth of an ocean- The seekers of Self-Realization and Sahaja Samadhi, are just like the poor salt-doll, which failed to gauge the depth of the fathomless ocean- just like an eraser which gets completely erased, after prolonged use over a period of time. The seekers of 'Truth' finally merge and become one with that infinite ocean of consciousness - eternal, pure, enlightened and ever liberated from birth, growth, disease, old-age and death- omnipresent, omnipotent, undecaying and all-pervading.

A salt-doll cannot gauge the depth of an ocean

One day a salt-doll went in search of, the fathomless bottom of an ocean. While going down and down in the deep waters of the sea, the salt doll was getting dissolved bit by bit. Before reaching the ocean bed , that salt-doll lost it`s identity and merged in that unfathomable ocean. That salt doll never came out , to record the depth of the ocean.
The seekers of Self-Realization and Sahaja Samadhi, are like this poor salt-doll, which failed to gauge the depth of the fathomless ocean, just like an eraser which gets completely erased, after prolonged use over a period of time. The seekers of 'Truth' finally merge and become one with that infinite ocean of consciousness - eternal, pure, enlightened and ever liberated from birth, growth, disease, old-age and death- omnipresent, omnipotent, undecaying and all-pervading. Established in the wisdom of desire less ness and the grandeur of ego less ness, through self-inquiry, We shall merge in that universal ocean of consciousness, losing our identity, from mortality to immortality.Here there is Sahaja Samadhi.


*Glimpses of Self-Realization*- The control of sense organs is an essential pre-requisite before embarking upon Self-Realization and Sahaja Samadhi.

Our identification with thoughts, arising from our minds, is the root cause of all ills in our lives. The five sense organs with their objects, play havoc with our day to day existence, since we are under the siege of  latent impressions inherited by us. The pleasure seeking Indulgence in, even a single sense organ, results in self annihilation of various animals like , the Deer, the Elephant, the Fly, the Fish and the Beetle . The SKIN, the sense organ of touch, leads an elephant to destruction, by running behind a female elephant. The deer when attracted by sounds, the EARS lead it towards danger. When flies are attracted towards fire, and get destroyed by it, the EYES are their problem. The fish is destroyed by it`s craving for food , through taste in TONGUE. Hankering after smell results in, the destruction of a beetle through NOSE.
If pleasure seeking indulgence in, even a single sense organ, can play havoc with the lives of these animals , what about us , having five sense organs, craving for their sense objects? Unless We have absolute control over them, our plight will be miserable, resulting in self annihilation.
Therefore the control of sense organs is an essential pre-requisite before embarking upon Self-Realization and Sahaja Samadhi.


The `wordless` mind , 'worldlessness,' and 'wakeful sleep' in 'Sahaja- Samadhi'. 'SELF-INQUIRY' in the form of 'WHO am I'?, will bring about, instantaneous 'Self-Realization' and 'Sahaja- Samadhi'.

The `wordless` mind , 'worldlessness,' and 'wakeful sleep' in 'Sahaja- Samadhi'.

If We can abandon, the latent impressions ( vasanas ) from our mind, our mind will become no-mind, the divine receptacle of cosmic consciousness. Just like a river, flowing towards an ocean and later merges in it; our individual consciousness (Microcosm), merges in, universal cosmic consciousness (Macrocosm), resulting in 'Self-Realization' and 'Sahaja- Samadhi.Thus a wordless mind (the mind without name and form) in wakeful sleep, revels in Sahaja- Samadhi, unaware of the phenomenal world ( world-lessness). The whole process involves, 'SELF-INQUIRY' in the form of 'WHO am I', with which 'self-realization' and 'sahaja samadhi' can be brought about.


"The esoteric 'RAMAYANA' and Self-Realization"- 'RAMA' is that all-pervading, eternal, pure consciousness, beyond the reach of our body-mind-intellect complex, the primal cause of everything, beyond nature, not limited by space, time and causation, ever liberated, and truth-consciousness and bliss.

"The esoteric 'RAMAYANA' and Self-Realization"

'Adhyathma Ramayana' is the spiritual wisdom, delivered by Lord Siva to his divine consort 'Devi parvathy'- his first disciple. The esotericism of Ramayana was thus revealed by Lord Siva himself , in 'Adhyathma Ramayana'.

'RAMA' is that all-pervading, eternal, pure consciousness, beyond the reach of our body-mind-intellect complex, the primal cause of everything, beyond nature, not limited by space, time and causation, ever liberated, and truth-consciousness and bliss.
'SITA' is the primal cause which creates the three worlds of , wakefulness, dream and deep sleep, through the three 'gunas'
Sathwa-pure awareness,
Rajas-incessant activity, and
Thamas- sleep in ignorance.

Rama is static consciousness, whereas Sita is dynamic consciousness, and they are inseparable just like waves and ocean. The appearance and disappearance of the phenomenal world is only, a play (LEELA) of static Rama and the dynamic Sita, on the transcendental, transparent, screen of truth-consciousness and bliss just like ebb and flow of waves in an ocean.

Fortunate are those who listen to the esoteric Ramayana( Rama thathwa) , which will result in Self-Realization and Sahaja Samadhi. Devotion to one`s own 'self' ( Athma-Nivedana'), awakening of intelligence and awareness, and detachment from the ephemeral, phenomenal world are the fruits of such a 'Sravana' or listening.

We shall embark upon our voyage, through the unfathomable ocean of 'Ramayana' and attain 'Brahma pada'( 'Rama pada' ), Liberation-in-Life and finally 'Sahaja Samadhi'.