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An ENT Surgeon running my own Clinic since 1989 at Kodakara, Thrissur.

Sunday 8 December 2013

In spirituality `THE FIRST STEP IS THE LAST STEP- perceiving our own consciousness through the `EYE` of consciousness( INSIGHT or THIRD EYE)


In spirituality `THE FIRST STEP IS THE LAST STEP. Because when we start perceiving our own consciousness through the `EYE` of consciousness( INSIGHT or THIRD EYE) the whole dimension of perception changes.Then the three-fold division of our self into the perceiver, perceived and the perception (THRIPUTI) ceases to exist. We start perceiving everything without the intervention of our ego, body, mind, intellect and sense organs. This is otherwise called as direct perception.
How can We perceive the inner and the outer world directly without involving `MIND`-the interpreting machine ?.The actual practice starts from constant choice less observation of our ever chattering mind. When we start observing our mind directly, we will see that such an objective mind is non existent. Here the seer and the seen are one and the same just like a policeman searching for a thief where he himself is the thief, can never catch hold of that thief. There we can then experience the all pervading cosmic consciousness. And that is self realisation.
Here is the significance of `ATHMA-VICHARA`( self enquiry ) or constant introspective contemplation in the form of `WHO AM I`? All other spiritual practices are for the beginners only to render their minds purified so as to grasp the subtle truth later. Such practices usually perpetuate our `EGO` which is a hindrance for self realisation. Because GOD + EGO=MAN and MAN - EGO = GOD.
Therefore `SELF-ENQUIRY` in the form of Who am I? or self- surrender to that omni potent , omni present reality- Brahman OR pure consciousness( TRUTH- BEING- EXISTENCE-CONSCIOUSNESS-and BLISS)- are the only means for self-realisation and sahaja samadhi.
Friends! boarding the boat of self realisation We shall start our voyage to the shores of sahaja samadhi.

`ZEN`Buddhism directly transmits the transcendental knowledge of 'SELF'- the all-pervading, omni present- omni potent- eternal reality ( Truth- Being- Existence- consciousness and bliss)- instantly leading us to `BUDDHA-HOOD` or `Enlightenment`; with out the aid of scriptures or words.

*Glimpses of self-realization*


`ZEN`Buddhism directly transmits the transcendental knowledge of  'SELF'- the all-pervading, omni present- omni potent- eternal reality ( Truth- Being- Existence- consciousness and bliss)- instantly leading us to `BUDDHA-HOOD` or `Enlightenment`; with out the aid of scriptures or words. According to Buddhist philosophy the root cause of human suffering is due to too much idle knowledge or ignorance of one`s own true nature.

The awakening of intelligence resulting in self-realization is hampered by

1. too much dogmatic views regarding the`SELF`and `SELF-REALIZATION,

2.prejudiced narrow vision of the reality and rigidity of mind,

3.inability to comprehend the esotericism behind the scriptural renditions, resulting in missing the mountain for the mole.

PEACE and HAPPINESS are always 'SUBJECTIVE' and not at all 'OBJECTIVE. Happiness is inherent in man, independent of any external objects.

  • * Glimpses of self-realization*

    PEACE and HAPPINESS are always 'SUBJECTIVE' and not at all 'OBJECTIVE'

    Every one of us thinks that our happiness is objective and depends up on our material gains, or the degree of our happiness is directly proportional to the quantum of our possessions. If so, a beggar with nil-possessions, will be having no happiness at all. But they are all happy in their own way. And we find that in deep sleep , when we are devoid of any possessions , we are extremely happy. What does it mean? Our happiness is absolutely subjective,  irrespective of our material gains. This happiness is inherent in man, independent of any external objects. Self-realization is the key to open the door of that super market of unalloyed bliss - 'SAHAJA-SAMADHI'- where buyers are less or almost nil.

    We shall deserve and own that super market.


BUDDHA searched for the cause of human suffering and finally got enlightenment. Without leaving our family, friends, kith and kin, we can very easily attain Buddhahood by simply paying attention to our own `SELF` ( `I`-CONSCIOUSNESS-ATHMA-BRAHMA-GOD).

  • The elusive ego disappear when there is 'self-inquiry' in the form of `Who am I ?

    Friends! When `Buddha`was asked why he left his vast kingdom, lovely wife and dear child, to lead an ascetic life, he replied like this.

    " If, birth,disease, old age and death were not there; if the sad demise of the kith and kin, near and dear were not there; if everything in the world was not impermanent, I would not have left my palace at all." Lord BUDDHA`S statement is applicable for everyone of us who aspire for Self-Realization and peace-inherent (sahaja samadhi).

    BUDDHA searched for the cause of human suffering and finally got enlightenment.

    `EGO` creates the body, mind, intellect, the five sense organs and the perceived world outside. And ego is the only true sufferer. If one can cast away the ego( ahamkara) , by 'Athma vichara' or 'Self-Inquiry', it will disappear, being non-existent.

     Without leaving our family, friends, kith and kin, we can very easily attain Buddhahood by simply paying attention to our own `SELF`        (`I`-CONSCIOUSNESS-ATHMA-BRAHMA-GOD).

    A true ascetic is not one who renounces his possessions, but one who renounces the possessor ( ego) too. Ego perpetuate the mind, the mind creates matter through sense organs and by renouncing ego , the material world become spontaneously non existent. Then what remains is that eternal , omnipresent,omnipotent reality of TRUTH- BEING-EXISTENCE-CONSCIOUSNESS and BLISS( GOD). The elusive ego disappear when there is self-inquiry in the form of`Who am I?`. That will result in self knowledge or Buddhahood.
    Self-Realization is the only means for transcending human suffering inflicted by the fleeting and transitory PHENOMENAL world.
    Let us start our voyage, through the fathomless sea of consciousness , boarding the boat of Self-Realization, towards the shores of `sahaja samadhi.


Learning the art of reading, in between the lines- A zen story. `SELF`( Truth- Being-Existence- consciousness and bliss) is the self-effulgent- wordless- absolute reality. Therefore, we have to learn the art of reading in between the lines, for self- realization and sahaja samadhi. ~Swaathmaaraaman

  • *Glimpses of Self- Realization*

    Learning the art of reading, in between the lines- A zen story.

    The zen master :
     One day two zen disciples were walking in torrential rain, but one of them did not get wet. Tell me the reason why.
    One disciple told that he might have worn a rain coat. Then the other told that ,he might have carried an umbrella with him. The third one opined, that he might have walked, under the thick shadows of a rain forest.
    Zen Master:
    You are concentrating on the statement `One did not get wet`, which could very well mean that, both of them were wet.
    Hi ! my children! Don`t miss the moon for the finger, since a pointing finger, can not be the moon. Similarly , don`t miss the` wordless` for the` words` of scriptures, since the words are only indicators of `self`or `Brahman`. In order to learn the art of comprehending scriptural renditions you have to learn the art of reading in between the lines.


     `SELF`( Truth- Being-Existence- consciousness and bliss) is the self-effulgent- wordless- absolute reality. Therefore, we have to learn the art of reading in between the lines, for Self- Realization and Sahaja Samadhi.

`Diksha`or `Initiation`is the process of introduction, of the un-initiated, into the unmanifest world of spirituality. According to Bhagwan Ramana maharshi ,`MOUNA`(SILENCE) is the highest form of initiation. Lord SHIVA as Guru Dakshinamurthy is the first preceptor of Brahma vidya, who utilised the medium of silence, for imparting self-knowledge to his four disciples, sitting underneath a banyan tree. Those disciples were Sanaka, Sanandana, Sanatana and Sanatkumara.

  • *Glimpses of self-realization*
`Diksha`or `Initiation`

`Diksha`or `Initiation`is the process of introduction, of the un-initiated, into the unmanifest world of spirituality. According to Bhagwan Ramana maharshi ,`MOUNA`(SILENCE) is the highest form of initiation. Lord SHIVA as Guru Dakshinamurthy is the first preceptor of Brahma vidya, who utilised the medium of silence, for imparting self-knowledge to his four disciples, sitting underneath a banyan tree. Those disciples were Sanaka, Sanandana, Sanatana and Sanatkumara.

 Other methods like, touch, look, or manthra, are all of the lower order. By silence, Brahma vidya is communicated, from the spiritual heart of the guru , to the spirutual heart of the disciple, when there is no guru or sishya( disciple) in human form. Guru transcends the body. When the mind becomes ‘no-mind`, there is self-realization. Unlike athma-vichara, which results in instant, direct perception of the `self`; all other spiritual practices and disciplines, finally culminate in perpetuation of the mind and the `EGO`, making self-realization a distant possibility.


Self-enquiry (in the form of `Who Am I` OR unconditional self-surrender to the Almighty are the only means for self-realization and sahaja samadhi.