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An ENT Surgeon running my own Clinic since 1989 at Kodakara, Thrissur.

Sunday 8 December 2013

`ZEN`Buddhism directly transmits the transcendental knowledge of 'SELF'- the all-pervading, omni present- omni potent- eternal reality ( Truth- Being- Existence- consciousness and bliss)- instantly leading us to `BUDDHA-HOOD` or `Enlightenment`; with out the aid of scriptures or words.

*Glimpses of self-realization*


`ZEN`Buddhism directly transmits the transcendental knowledge of  'SELF'- the all-pervading, omni present- omni potent- eternal reality ( Truth- Being- Existence- consciousness and bliss)- instantly leading us to `BUDDHA-HOOD` or `Enlightenment`; with out the aid of scriptures or words. According to Buddhist philosophy the root cause of human suffering is due to too much idle knowledge or ignorance of one`s own true nature.

The awakening of intelligence resulting in self-realization is hampered by

1. too much dogmatic views regarding the`SELF`and `SELF-REALIZATION,

2.prejudiced narrow vision of the reality and rigidity of mind,

3.inability to comprehend the esotericism behind the scriptural renditions, resulting in missing the mountain for the mole.

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