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An ENT Surgeon running my own Clinic since 1989 at Kodakara, Thrissur.

Sunday 8 December 2013

`Diksha`or `Initiation`is the process of introduction, of the un-initiated, into the unmanifest world of spirituality. According to Bhagwan Ramana maharshi ,`MOUNA`(SILENCE) is the highest form of initiation. Lord SHIVA as Guru Dakshinamurthy is the first preceptor of Brahma vidya, who utilised the medium of silence, for imparting self-knowledge to his four disciples, sitting underneath a banyan tree. Those disciples were Sanaka, Sanandana, Sanatana and Sanatkumara.

  • *Glimpses of self-realization*
`Diksha`or `Initiation`

`Diksha`or `Initiation`is the process of introduction, of the un-initiated, into the unmanifest world of spirituality. According to Bhagwan Ramana maharshi ,`MOUNA`(SILENCE) is the highest form of initiation. Lord SHIVA as Guru Dakshinamurthy is the first preceptor of Brahma vidya, who utilised the medium of silence, for imparting self-knowledge to his four disciples, sitting underneath a banyan tree. Those disciples were Sanaka, Sanandana, Sanatana and Sanatkumara.

 Other methods like, touch, look, or manthra, are all of the lower order. By silence, Brahma vidya is communicated, from the spiritual heart of the guru , to the spirutual heart of the disciple, when there is no guru or sishya( disciple) in human form. Guru transcends the body. When the mind becomes ‘no-mind`, there is self-realization. Unlike athma-vichara, which results in instant, direct perception of the `self`; all other spiritual practices and disciplines, finally culminate in perpetuation of the mind and the `EGO`, making self-realization a distant possibility.


Self-enquiry (in the form of `Who Am I` OR unconditional self-surrender to the Almighty are the only means for self-realization and sahaja samadhi.


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