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An ENT Surgeon running my own Clinic since 1989 at Kodakara, Thrissur.

Sunday 8 December 2013

BUDDHA searched for the cause of human suffering and finally got enlightenment. Without leaving our family, friends, kith and kin, we can very easily attain Buddhahood by simply paying attention to our own `SELF` ( `I`-CONSCIOUSNESS-ATHMA-BRAHMA-GOD).

  • The elusive ego disappear when there is 'self-inquiry' in the form of `Who am I ?

    Friends! When `Buddha`was asked why he left his vast kingdom, lovely wife and dear child, to lead an ascetic life, he replied like this.

    " If, birth,disease, old age and death were not there; if the sad demise of the kith and kin, near and dear were not there; if everything in the world was not impermanent, I would not have left my palace at all." Lord BUDDHA`S statement is applicable for everyone of us who aspire for Self-Realization and peace-inherent (sahaja samadhi).

    BUDDHA searched for the cause of human suffering and finally got enlightenment.

    `EGO` creates the body, mind, intellect, the five sense organs and the perceived world outside. And ego is the only true sufferer. If one can cast away the ego( ahamkara) , by 'Athma vichara' or 'Self-Inquiry', it will disappear, being non-existent.

     Without leaving our family, friends, kith and kin, we can very easily attain Buddhahood by simply paying attention to our own `SELF`        (`I`-CONSCIOUSNESS-ATHMA-BRAHMA-GOD).

    A true ascetic is not one who renounces his possessions, but one who renounces the possessor ( ego) too. Ego perpetuate the mind, the mind creates matter through sense organs and by renouncing ego , the material world become spontaneously non existent. Then what remains is that eternal , omnipresent,omnipotent reality of TRUTH- BEING-EXISTENCE-CONSCIOUSNESS and BLISS( GOD). The elusive ego disappear when there is self-inquiry in the form of`Who am I?`. That will result in self knowledge or Buddhahood.
    Self-Realization is the only means for transcending human suffering inflicted by the fleeting and transitory PHENOMENAL world.
    Let us start our voyage, through the fathomless sea of consciousness , boarding the boat of Self-Realization, towards the shores of `sahaja samadhi.


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