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An ENT Surgeon running my own Clinic since 1989 at Kodakara, Thrissur.

Sunday 8 December 2013

Learning the art of reading, in between the lines- A zen story. `SELF`( Truth- Being-Existence- consciousness and bliss) is the self-effulgent- wordless- absolute reality. Therefore, we have to learn the art of reading in between the lines, for self- realization and sahaja samadhi. ~Swaathmaaraaman

  • *Glimpses of Self- Realization*

    Learning the art of reading, in between the lines- A zen story.

    The zen master :
     One day two zen disciples were walking in torrential rain, but one of them did not get wet. Tell me the reason why.
    One disciple told that he might have worn a rain coat. Then the other told that ,he might have carried an umbrella with him. The third one opined, that he might have walked, under the thick shadows of a rain forest.
    Zen Master:
    You are concentrating on the statement `One did not get wet`, which could very well mean that, both of them were wet.
    Hi ! my children! Don`t miss the moon for the finger, since a pointing finger, can not be the moon. Similarly , don`t miss the` wordless` for the` words` of scriptures, since the words are only indicators of `self`or `Brahman`. In order to learn the art of comprehending scriptural renditions you have to learn the art of reading in between the lines.


     `SELF`( Truth- Being-Existence- consciousness and bliss) is the self-effulgent- wordless- absolute reality. Therefore, we have to learn the art of reading in between the lines, for Self- Realization and Sahaja Samadhi.

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