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An ENT Surgeon running my own Clinic since 1989 at Kodakara, Thrissur.

Sunday 8 December 2013

In spirituality `THE FIRST STEP IS THE LAST STEP- perceiving our own consciousness through the `EYE` of consciousness( INSIGHT or THIRD EYE)


In spirituality `THE FIRST STEP IS THE LAST STEP. Because when we start perceiving our own consciousness through the `EYE` of consciousness( INSIGHT or THIRD EYE) the whole dimension of perception changes.Then the three-fold division of our self into the perceiver, perceived and the perception (THRIPUTI) ceases to exist. We start perceiving everything without the intervention of our ego, body, mind, intellect and sense organs. This is otherwise called as direct perception.
How can We perceive the inner and the outer world directly without involving `MIND`-the interpreting machine ?.The actual practice starts from constant choice less observation of our ever chattering mind. When we start observing our mind directly, we will see that such an objective mind is non existent. Here the seer and the seen are one and the same just like a policeman searching for a thief where he himself is the thief, can never catch hold of that thief. There we can then experience the all pervading cosmic consciousness. And that is self realisation.
Here is the significance of `ATHMA-VICHARA`( self enquiry ) or constant introspective contemplation in the form of `WHO AM I`? All other spiritual practices are for the beginners only to render their minds purified so as to grasp the subtle truth later. Such practices usually perpetuate our `EGO` which is a hindrance for self realisation. Because GOD + EGO=MAN and MAN - EGO = GOD.
Therefore `SELF-ENQUIRY` in the form of Who am I? or self- surrender to that omni potent , omni present reality- Brahman OR pure consciousness( TRUTH- BEING- EXISTENCE-CONSCIOUSNESS-and BLISS)- are the only means for self-realisation and sahaja samadhi.
Friends! boarding the boat of self realisation We shall start our voyage to the shores of sahaja samadhi.

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