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An ENT Surgeon running my own Clinic since 1989 at Kodakara, Thrissur.

Monday 16 December 2013

The jewel ‘SYAMANTHAKA’, Self-Realization and Sahaja- Samadhi . A non- discriminating mind will be the receptacle of God`s punishment in the form of 'Self-forgetfulness' and indulgence in the phenomenal world, through myriads of births and deaths.

The jewel ‘SYAMANTHAKA’, Self-Realization and Sahaja- Samadhi .

In ‘Dwaraka’, once there lived a ‘yadava’ ,called 'Sathrajith’. After undergoing great ‘Tapas’, he got the jewel- ‘Syamanthaka’ from ‘SUN’. The ‘syamanthaka was famous for producing a great quantity of gold every day. One day Lord Krishna asked sathrajith, to give him ‘syamanthaka’, to keep it in his palace for a few days. But ‘Sathrajith’ refused to give , doubting that ‘Krishna’ might not return it. One day , ‘Prasena’ , the brother of ‘Sathrajith’, went on a hunting spree, wearing ‘syamanthaka’, as an ornament, around his neck. Presena was killed by a lion in the forest, and the lion ran away taking ‘syamanthaka’ in it`s mouth . When ‘Jambavan’ ( a pretty old monkey ), saw this lion with ‘syamanthaka, killed the lion, took the jewel with him and gave it to his children to play. Later ‘KRISHNA’ recovered ‘Syamanthaka’ and gave it back to ‘Sathrajith’, the story goes on like that.

Moral of the story

The Jewel ‘syamanthaka’, actually represents the human body. The human body is a great gift of god, for which one has to undergo a lot of ‘Tapas’. If utilized properly, human life on earth is a great opportunity, for Self-Realization and Sahaja- Samadhi. Self-Realization is the only purpose of human life on earth. One has to unconditionally surrender oneself to ‘GOD’ for that. If not, our body-mind-intellect complex, will be under the influence of sense organs ( Jambavan and children ), wandering here and there, in vain. Then such a non discriminating mind will be the receptacle of God`s punishment in the form of self-forgetfulness and indulgence in the phenomenal world, through myriads of births and deaths.
Let us surrender our jewels of ‘syamanthaka’ to the almighty, to deserve and own , Self-Realization and Sahaja- Samadhi. Self-inquiry in the form of ‘Who am I’, or absolute, unconditional, self-surrender to ‘GOD’ or one`s own ‘SELF’- Truth-Consciousness and Bliss- are the means for that. Otherwise, our repetitive and degenerative life , will be a great waste of time. We shall 'hasten slowly’ through this pathless-path of’ Self-Realization’ and’ Sahaja- Samadhi’.


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