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An ENT Surgeon running my own Clinic since 1989 at Kodakara, Thrissur.

Sunday 15 December 2013

Temples are psychic machines, powered by psycho-linguistics. The sympathetic resonance of two identically tuned, stringed musical instruments, kept close to each other, when only one instrument is played , is applicable here. Just like a magnet which induces magnetism, in an iron rod, a powerful temple can harmonize the subtle energy system of an individual, who visit the temple.

Temples are psychic machines, powered by psycho-linguistics.

A temple is an exact replica of human body. Actually, a human being is a psycho-somatic organism, having five different sheaths, from the gross to the subtle. They are 1. Annamaya kosa, 2. Pranamaya kosa, 3. Manomaya kosa, 4. Vinjnanamaya kosa, 5. Anandamaya kosa. A temple consists of, corresponding structures and they are 1. Prakara, 2. Bahya hara, 3. Madhya hara, 4. Antha hara, 5. Sreekovil.

The consecration of 'Shadadhara' and the idol of the chief deity inside the sanctum sanctorum is indicative of, the six yogic centers ( Muladhara, Swadhishtana, manipooraka, Anahatha, Visuddhi, Anjna ) and the idol represents 'Sahasrara'- the pinnacle of yogic experience or Self-Realization.

Next comes the process of enlivenment of the temple structure, through tantric rituals, powered by psycho-linguistics or 'Manthra sasthra'. 'PSYCHO-LINGUISTICS' is the science of generation, installation and propagation of psychic energy as vibrations of subtle sound energy, through the inherent , occult powers hidden in various letters and combinations of letters of the alphabet                 ( MANTHRA ).

The regular and special poojas, ordained for a deity, the temple festivals and other special celebrations inside a temple, are meant for charging, recharging and empowering the positive energy system of the temple. An average man of the world, who is ignorant of the various vaidic and tantric disciplines meant for self-realization, can very easily get the whole advantage, without ever going through them, by simply visiting the local temple. The sympathetic resonance of two identically tuned, stringed musical instruments, kept close to each other, when only one instrument is played , is applicable here. Just like a magnet which induces magnetism, in an iron rod, a powerful temple can harmonize the subtle energy system of an individual, who visit the temple.

Our temples are great reservoirs of abundant subtle positive energy system, influencing not only the visitors but also the vicinity as well. These temples are wonderful psychic machines, powered by the principles of psycho linguistics, meant for harmonizing the gross and subtle energy systems of our body finally leading to Self-Realization and Sahaja - Samadhi. 


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