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An ENT Surgeon running my own Clinic since 1989 at Kodakara, Thrissur.

Sunday 15 December 2013

The esoteric ism of ‘SITA- SWAYAM VARAM’ and Self-Rrealization.Here the threefold division (Thriputi) of pure consciousness into ‘ME’, ‘GOD’ and the phenomenal 'WORLD’ ( Jiva, Easwara and Jagath), ceases to exist, and the infinite self-effulgent, eternal, Truth-consciousness and bliss ,shines forth brilliantly all alone.

The esotericism of ‘SITA- SWAYAM VARAM’ and Self-Realization.

‘Sita swayam varam’ denotes the marriage of oneself, to one`s own self (Truth- Being-Existence-Consciousness and bliss), through ‘SITA’ (Brahma vidya). ‘JANAKA’ – the king of ‘VIDEHA’        ( Naham-Deham consciousness or’ I am not the body’ consciousness ), got ‘Sita’ (Brahma vidya), from the field (Human body), when it was being ploughed, for cultivation ( undergoing spiritual disciplines according to scriptural instructions).When One becomes ‘RAMA’ (one who revels in self-knowledge), there occurs ‘SITA’ swayam vara’( self-realization and sahaja Samadhi through ‘Brahma vidya’)

When ‘Sita’ attained womanhood, King Janaka made necessary arrangements, for her ‘Swayam varam’ (The process of selecting the desired bridge groom from a group). The King Janaka stipulated the terms and conditions. Only an adept in archery, who can break the ‘BOW’ of ‘MAHESWARA’, can take part in ‘Swayam varam’. The ‘MAHESWARA’ chapa (Bow)- the microcosm -is the subtle life energy that enlivens the body- mind- intellect complex and five sense organs, placed inside the human body by lord ‘SIVA’ ( The all-pervading pure consciousness or Brahman) – macrocosm-himself. Harmonization of this energy system , through spiritual disciplines bring about the merger of microcosm in macrocosm and that is self-realization.

The other conditions for participating in ‘SITA’- swayam varam were
1. Killing of ‘THATAKA’ ,’MAREECHA’ and ‘ SUBAHU’- the three demons ( Freedom from the devilish clutches of the deluding desires of the senses and their objects);
2. Providing ‘sapa moksha’ ( freedom from the curse ), for ‘AHALLYA’, who was remaining as a stone ( The insensitive and indifferent nature of an average man of the world, to scriptural teachings and spiritual instructions- ‘sthabda’).
3. Breaking the ‘Maheswara’ chapa( BOW )- is the shifting of one`s attention from ‘DEHOHAM’     (Body consciousness) to ‘BRAHMOHAM’ ( I am pure consciousness ), through the practice of ‘SWATHMA - VICHARA’- Who am I? ( Rama got it from rishi ‘VASISHTA’ during his teens ). The bow of Maheswara is in ‘VIDEHA’ ( the state of ‘I am not the body’ consciousness ).

‘Ravana’ ( Rajo guna ) wanted to possess ‘Sita’ (Bahma vidya), but miserably failed since he could not kill ‘Thataka’, ‘Mareecha and ‘Subahu’( the desire-prompted actions ), could not give release for ‘Ahalya’ ( the insensitive and indifferent approach to ‘Brahma vidya’ ), and hence could not break the bow of ‘Maheswara’ ( due to failure of harmonizing the subtle vital energy system of the human body through spiritual disciplines ).

Happiness and sorrow are nothing but, the imaginary thought constructs of the mind, thriving on the senses and their objects. Thataka, Mareecha, and Subahu are the deluding desires of the body and mind. An aspirant of ‘Brahma vidya’ has to get freedom from the desire-prompted actions.

‘Ahallya’ got freedom from the curse of her husband, when ‘RAMA’ put his feet on the stone-form of Ahallya and regained her original form. One has to develop the ‘EYE’ of consciousness (Prathyabhinja) for self-realization, abandoning the indifferent and insensitive approach towards ‘BRAHMA VIDYA’.

Rama could go through these procedures quite easily, and ‘SITA’ got ‘RAMA’ through Swayam varam.

After ‘sita swayam varam’ there occurs the conflict between ‘RAMA and ‘ BHARGAVA RAMA.
The conflict between them is suggestive of the conflictual thoughts of dualism and non dualism. After SELF-REALIZATION, dualism gives way to non dualism. Here the threefold division (Thriputi) of pure consciousness into ‘ME’, ‘GOD’ and the phenomenal 'WORLD’ ( Jiva, Easwara and Jagath), ceases to exist, and the infinite self-effulgent, eternal, Truth-consciousness and bliss ,shines forth brilliantly all alone.

 There is self-realization and sahaja Samadhi available in abundance in ‘BRAHMA VIDYA’.


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