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An ENT Surgeon running my own Clinic since 1989 at Kodakara, Thrissur.

Saturday 14 December 2013

*The mystic symbols of ‘RAMAYANA’ and self-realization*-‘BE RAMA and WIN SITA’

*The mystic symbols of ‘RAMAYANA’ and self-realization*

The ‘ Dandakaranya’, where ‘SITA’, ‘RAMA’ and ‘LAKSHMANA’ lived, during the’ fourteen years of their forest life’, symbolize the extreme involvement of an average man of the world, in the phenomenal world. ‘SOORPPANAKHA’ – sister of ‘RAVANA’, represents the worldly desires, which may appear, charming and harmless initially, but creates unending problems in the long run. Both acceptance and rejection of worldly desires creates problems for an aspirant of self-realization. That was what happened when ‘RAMA’ refused, Soorppanakha`s appeal for her marriage with him. Therefore a seeker of ‘BRAHMA VIDYA’ (The science of practicing pure awareness), should be vigilant enough to nip in bud, each and every budding worldly desires. The wisdom of’ desirelessness’ is an essential requirement for an aspirant of self-realization.

‘RAVANA' stands for 'RAJO GUNA' (The intense desire – prompted activity in the phenomenal world). ‘RAVANA’ has got ten heads and twenty arms, which stands for the external worldly involvement of a ‘JEEVA’ ( an individual soul ), through the five sense organs ( eyes, ears, nose, tongue and skin ) and the five organs of action ( speech, arms ,feet, the organs of excretion and procreation ). The twenty arms denote the favorable and the unfavorable influences of the experiences, perceived through these ten organs of action and senses.

‘KUMBHAKARNA’ is ‘THAMOGUNA’, characterized by ‘food for six months’ and’ sleep for six months’, having no time left for doing anything else, in an year which contains only twelve months. ‘Kumbhakarna’ represents an ignorant and in sensitive man of the world.

‘VIBHEESHANA’ is ‘SATHWA GUNA’ characterized by truth, nonviolence, non covetousness, non deceitfulness, control of senses, capacity to persevere and curiosity in ‘BRAHMA VIDYA’ (SELF-REALIZATION).

‘RAVANA’, ‘KUMBAKARNA’, VIBHEESHANA and ‘SOORPPANAKHA’ live in ‘LANKA’, which is nothing but the ever turbulent ocean of the ‘MIND’, under the influence of ‘SATHWA’,’RAJAS’, and ‘THAMAS’, and the unending desires of the world.

Self-knowledge and detachment from the ephemeral, phenomenal world are the wings of ‘JADAYU’-the body guard of ‘SITA’ ( Brahma vidya ). An aspirant of ‘BRAHMA VIDYA’ should not have, attachment to names and forms of the world; and that is the relevance of the ‘GOLDEN-DEER’-‘MAREECHA’.
‘RAVANA’ ( Rajo guna ) tried in vain to get ‘SITA’ but
‘RAMA’ (The embodiment of renunciation) got ‘SITA’ (BRAHMA VIDYA) without any effort.



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