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An ENT Surgeon running my own Clinic since 1989 at Kodakara, Thrissur.

Monday 9 December 2013

During cosmic flood everything went underneath water, and there was only water-water everywhere. There BALA-KRISHNA (Krishna in his child form) was seen above water, lying on the leaf of a banyan tree( Alila krishnan) sucking one of his toes in his mouth.

*Glimpses of Self-Realization*

 During cosmic flood everything went underneath water, and there was only water-water everywhere. There BALA-KRISHNA (Krishna in his child form) was seen above water, lying on the leaf of a banyan tree( Alila krishnan) sucking one of his toes in his mouth.

The esotericism behind the story goes on like this.

A gentle breeze is more than enough for the leaves of a banyan tree to keep on vibrating. This actually represents the turbulent , wavering mind oscillating in between attachment, aversion, desire, anger, greed, delusion, arrogance and competition (RAGA, DWESHA, KAMA, KRODHA, LOBHA, MOHA, MADA and MATSARYA). The complete cessation of thought- waves by persistent and consistent `SELF-INQUIRY`(Athma-vichara) results in Self- Realization and that is the cosmic- flood (PRALAYA). BALA- KRISHNA sucking his toe denotes the realized soul who revels in his own `SELF`- being Swathma Sukhi or Swaathmaaraaman. 


We shall start our voyage through this un-fathomable sea of consciousness- boarding the boat of Self-Realization- towards the shores of `SAHAJA- SAMADHI`.

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