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An ENT Surgeon running my own Clinic since 1989 at Kodakara, Thrissur.

Friday 6 December 2013

What is the nature of maya? Maya is that which makes us regard as nonexistent the Self, the Reality, which is always and everywhere present, all- pervasive and Self-luminous, and as existent the individual soul (jiva), the world (jagat), and God (para) which have been conclusively proved to be nonexistent at all times and places. ~RAMANA MAHARSHI

'Self-Forgetfulness' or 'ATHMA-VISMRUTHI ( Concealment- AVARANA ) results in manifestation ( projection- VIKSHEPA ) of the 'Phenomenal World' and 'Self-Awareness' or 'ATHMA-SMRUTHI' results in dissolution of the 'Phenomenal World'; and the Phenomenal world is nothing but 'SELF'        ( Pure Consciousness ) with 'names and forms'.

What is the nature of maya?

Maya is that which makes us regard as nonexistent the Self, the Reality, which is always and everywhere present, all- pervasive and Self-luminous, and as existent the individual soul (jiva), the world (jagat), and God (para) which have been conclusively proved to be nonexistent at all times and places.


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