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An ENT Surgeon running my own Clinic since 1989 at Kodakara, Thrissur.

Saturday 7 June 2014

'The unbroken 'samaya' is a lamp lit in spiritual darkness' - 'TILOPA'S 'MAHAMUDRA' SONG FOR 'NAROPA'

The body is essentially empty like the stem of a reed,
And the mind, like pure space, utterly transcends
the world of thought:
Relax into your intrinsic nature with neither abandon nor control -
Mind with 'no objective' is 'Mahamudra' -
And, with practice perfected, supreme enlightenment is gained.

The clear light of Mahamudra cannot be revealed
By the canonical scriptures or metaphysical treatises
Of the Mantravada, the Paramitas or the Tripitaka;
The clear light is veiled by concepts and ideals.

By harboring rigid precepts the true 'samaya' is impaired,
But with cessation of mental activity all fixed notions subside;
When the swell of the ocean is at one with its peaceful depths,
When mind never strays from indeterminate, non-conceptual truth,
The unbroken 'samaya' is a lamp lit in spiritual darkness.

Free of intellectual conceits, disavowing dogmatic principles,
The truth of every school and scripture is revealed.

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