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An ENT Surgeon running my own Clinic since 1989 at Kodakara, Thrissur.

Saturday 26 April 2014

'MUSIC IS DIVINE' - 'SWAMI SIVANANDA' ON MUSIC - 'That which is pleasant is not good, and that which is good is not necessarily pleasant.' It is in music that you find the sole exception to this rule. It is both pleasant and good, 'Preya' and 'Shreya', in the terminology of the Kathopanishad.

Music or sangita is the essence of this universe. It is the very breath of God and food for the soul. Sangita vidya is a sacred science, its goal being God-consciousness. Music is not art instrument for titillation of the nerves or satisfaction of the senses. It is yoga sadhana, which enables one to attain atma sakshatkara, direct realization of the soul. Music should be treated as yoga. True music can only be tasted by one who has renounced the world, freed himself from all taints of worldliness, and who practises music as a sadhana for self-realization.
Trapped in music, the mysterious mind with its thousands of vasanas and vrittis, lies quiescently on the lap of the sadhaka, and he can make it dance to his tune, control it according to his will and mould it as he pleases. Mind, the magic wand of maya, the terror of all spiritual aspirants, is there in the hands of the music yogi under his perfect control, for music makes the mind one-pointed quickly.
The wonder of wonders in the case of music yoga is that it is not only the musician whose mind is thus controlled, but the minds of all those who listen to music become calm; peaceful and blissful. That is why great saints like Mira Bai, Tukaram, Kabir Das, Thyagaraja, Purandhara Das and others wove their teachings into sweet music. With the sweet music, their sublime thoughts would easily penetrate the heart of the listener, which is at other times zealously guarded by the cobra of worldliness. It is music yoga that effortlessly brings about chitta vritti nirodha, control of mental modifications, practised by the raja yogi. When thus the mind is steadied and purified, and merged in nada, primal sound, the eye of intuition is opened and the music yogi gets yoga siddhi or samadhi.
The true musician is the highest nishkama karma yogi. He removes the sorrows of the people who listen to him. Music cures incurable diseases, dispels the gloom of ignorance, wrong notions and despair from the heart, and instills joy, cheer, happiness and hope. You cannot easily repay the deep debt of gratitude you owe to the music yogi who renders you this inestimable service.
Music soothes the brains and nerves. It lulls the whole system. It stimulates, energizes, galvanizes and vitalizes the whole system. It affects the emotions and arouses the impulses to action and thereby influences all the vital functions. It consists of a series of harmonious vibrations, electrical in their nature and make-up.
Music relaxes nervous tension and makes parts of the body affected by tension to resume their normal functions. Music is highly beneficial in the treatment of nervous disorders, sleeplessness, etc. Music has a tremendous power to bring comfort and solace when one is in a state of despondency or pain. Sangita or kirtan is the best medicine when all other systems of medicine have failed to cure a disease. Kirtan will work wonders. Try this unique medicine and realize its marvelous benefits.
Sweet melody exercises a powerful influence on the mind and physical nature of every living being. If someone is suffering from a disease, sing kirtan near his bed. He will soon be cured.
Music is the easiest, best and glorifying sadhana to attain moksha in this age of Kali Yuga. In fact, music enjoys the unique privilege of defying one of the fundamental spiritual doctrines: 'That which is pleasant is not good, and that which is good is not necessarily pleasant.' It is in music that you find the sole exception to this rule. It is both pleasant and good, 'Preya' and 'Shreya', in the terminology of the Kathopanishad.
Music is not a thing to be neglected or brushed aside. It, must be the aspiration of every person to either sing or play some instrument. So, start now in right earnest and practice music with bhakti bhava. A strong habit of singing can be formed in six months. Even when someone is in a dying state, the habit of singing the name of the Lord will come to the rescue at the last moment.

Music or sangita is the essence of this universe. It is the very breath of God and food for the soul. Sangita vidya is a sacred science, its goal being God-consciousness. Music is not art instrument for titillation of the nerves or satisfaction of the senses. It is yoga sadhana, which enables one to attain atma sakshatkara, direct realization of the soul. Music should be treated as yoga. True music can only be tasted by one who has renounced the world, freed himself from all taints of worldliness, and who practises music as a sadhana for self-realization. 
Trapped in music, the mysterious mind with its thousands of vasanas and vrittis, lies quiescently on the lap of the sadhaka, and he can make it dance to his tune, control it according to his will and mould it as he pleases. Mind, the magic wand of maya, the terror of all spiritual aspirants, is there in the hands of the music yogi under his perfect control, for music makes the mind one-pointed quickly.
The wonder of wonders in the case of music yoga is that it is not only the musician whose mind is thus controlled, but the minds of all those who listen to music become calm; peaceful and blissful. That is why great saints like Mira Bai, Tukaram, Kabir Das, Thyagaraja, Purandhara Das and others wove their teachings into sweet music. With the sweet music, their sublime thoughts would easily penetrate the heart of the listener, which is at other times zealously guarded by the cobra of worldliness. It is music yoga that effortlessly brings about chitta vritti nirodha, control of mental modifications, practised by the raja yogi. When thus the mind is steadied and purified, and merged in nada, primal sound, the eye of intuition is opened and the music yogi gets yoga siddhi or samadhi.
The true musician is the highest nishkama karma yogi. He removes the sorrows of the people who listen to him. Music cures incurable diseases, dispels the gloom of ignorance, wrong notions and despair from the heart, and instills joy, cheer, happiness and hope. You cannot easily repay the deep debt of gratitude you owe to the music yogi who renders you this inestimable service. 
Music soothes the brains and nerves. It lulls the whole system. It stimulates, energizes, galvanizes and vitalizes the whole system. It affects the emotions and arouses the impulses to action and thereby influences all the vital functions. It consists of a series of harmonious vibrations, electrical in their nature and make-up. 
Music relaxes nervous tension and makes parts of the body affected by tension to resume their normal functions. Music is highly beneficial in the treatment of nervous disorders, sleeplessness, etc. Music has a tremendous power to bring comfort and solace when one is in a state of despondency or pain. Sangita or kirtan is the best medicine when all other systems of medicine have failed to cure a disease. Kirtan will work wonders. Try this unique medicine and realize its marvelous benefits. 
Sweet melody exercises a powerful influence on the mind and physical nature of every living being. If someone is suffering from a disease, sing kirtan near his bed. He will soon be cured. 
Music is the easiest, best and glorifying sadhana to attain moksha in this age of Kali Yuga. In fact, music enjoys the unique privilege of defying one of the fundamental spiritual doctrines: 'That which is pleasant is not good, and that which is good is not necessarily pleasant.' It is in music that you find the sole exception to this rule. It is both pleasant and good, preya and shreya, in the terminology of the Kathopanishad. 
Music is not a thing to be neglected or brushed aside. It, must be the aspiration of every person to either sing or play some instrument. So, start now in right earnest and practise music with bhakti bhava. A strong habit of singing can be formed in six months. Even when someone is in a dying state, the habit of singing the name of the Lord will come to the rescue at the last moment.

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