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An ENT Surgeon running my own Clinic since 1989 at Kodakara, Thrissur.

Saturday 26 April 2014

*POINTS TO PONDER* - The 'phenomenal world' is nothing but 'pure consciousness' with 'name' and 'form'. Without 'name' and 'form' , the world is again 'pure consciousness'. -SWAATHMAA RAAMAN

(referred by Bhagavan to a devotee)

'The name permeates the entire universe
densely; who can tell to what depths in the
nether regions and to what height in the
heaven It extends?

The ignorant fools undergo the eighty four
lakhs of species of births, not
knowing the essence of things. The Name
is immortal. Forms are innumerable but
Name is all that.

The Name itself is form and form itself
is Name. There is no distinction between
Name and form. God became manifest and
assumed Name and form. Hence the Name
the Vedas have established. Beware, there
is no mantram beyond the Name. Those
who say otherwise are ignorant fools. Name
is Keshava Himself. This is known only to
the loving devotees of the Lord.

The all-pervading nature of the Name
can only be understood when one recognizes
his own 'I' . When one's own name is
not recognized, it is impossible to get all pervading
Name. When one knows oneself
then one finds the Name everywhere.
None can realize the Name by the practice
of knowledge, meditation or austerity.
Surrender yourself at first at the feet of the
Guru and learn to know who the 'I' in you
is. After finding the source of that 'I' , merge
your individuality in that Oneness — which
is Self-existent and devoid of all duality. It
is that Name that permeates the three

The Name is Paramatman Itself where
there is no action arising out of dvaita


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