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An ENT Surgeon running my own Clinic since 1989 at Kodakara, Thrissur.

Saturday 26 April 2014

*WORDS OF WISDOM* - And that 'SELF' (AATHMA) is nothing but 'TRUTH' - 'BEING' - 'EXISTENCE ' - 'CONSCIOUSNESS' and BLISS' (SAT-CHIT-ANANDA-BRAHMAM)- already attained by everybody , perhaps beyond their comprehension. -SWAATHMAARAAMAN


Question: When a man realizes the Self, what will he see?

Bhagavan: There is no seeing, seeing is only being. The state of Self-Realization, as we call it, is not attaining something new or reaching some goal far away, but simply being that, which you always are and which you always have been. All that is needed is that you give up your realization of the 'not-true' as 'true'. …Then we shall realize the Self as the Self - in other words 'BE' the Self. At one stage one would laugh at oneself that one tried to discover the Self which so self-evident. So, what can we say to this question?

-Ramana Maharshi

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